Chapter Twenty-Three: Bureaucratic Nonsense

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I sat in the front seat as Sherlock drove, with John in the back as we pulled up to the gates of Baskerville.

"Pass please." The red beret asked. Sherlock took it out of his pocket, handing it to the man.

"You've got ID for Baskerville? How?" John whispered.

"It's not specific to this place. It's my brothers. Access all areas. Turns out, Claudia isn't just good at flirting to gain information. She's also a surprisingly good pick-pocket."

"Tiny hands." I said, turning to John.


"Thank you."

"We'll get caught."

"No, we won't!" Sherlock argued. "Well not just yet."

"Caught in five minutes. 'Oh hi, we just though we'd have a wander around your top secret weapons base'. 'Really? Great. Come in, Kettle's just boiled'. That's if we don't get shot."

"John, your optimism is enviable." I said sarcastically.

"Clear. Thank you very much."

"Thank you." Sherlock said, taking the card and passing through the gate.

"Straight through, sir."

"Mycroft's name literally opens doors."

"Or closes them, in certain cases." I said.

"Like what?" Sherlock asked.

" it turns out, trailing women in a black car with tinted windows is not a good way to ask them out." The two of them laughed and I smiled out the window.

"Claudia, have you got your phone on you?" Sherlock questioned.

"Yes. Why?"

"Just trust me. Have it out, don't look up from it, just pretend to be texting about something very important." I nodded.

"Will do."

"I reckon we've got about twenty minutes before they realize something is wrong." We got out of the car and I did as Sherlock said, keeping my eyes glued to my phone screen. I glanced up as a jeep stopped in front of us and a guy got out.

"What is it? Are we in trouble?"

"Are we in trouble, sir." Sherlock corrected.

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir."

"You were expecting us?"

"Your ID showed up straight away, Mr. Holmes. Corporal Lyons, security. Is there something wrong, sir?"

"Well, I hope not Corporal, I hope not."

"It's just we don't get inspected here, you see sir. It just doesn't happen." I cleared my throat. Sherlock turned to me and I turned with my back towards the other guy, talking quietly in his ear.

"I'm just making it look like I'm saying something important. Now scowl and nod your head." He did what I told him to.

"You ever heard of a spot check?" John asked. "Captain John Watson, Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers." He flashed his ID.

"Sir." Lyons saluted him. "Major Barrymore won't be pleased, sir. He'll want to see you both, and..."

"Claudia Lestrade, my PA. Take her to see the Major, she has all of the information he will need."

"Meanwhile, we need the full tour. Right away. Carry on, that's an order, Corporal."

"Yes sir." We followed after him as he led us to the door.

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