Chapter Thirty-Eight: Rich Brook

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"Take my hand!" Sherlock commanded both of us. We did so, running through an alley and to a gate with trash bins on one side. Sherlock climbed up, going over and causing me to smash against the fence, barely able to stand on my toes.

"Sherlock!" I shouted. "I am too short for this, we are going to need to coordinate."

"John, help her up onto the bin." John grabbed my waist, awkwardly bending my arm behind my back and lifted me up on top of the bin. At that point, I climbed on top of the fence, waiting for John to get on top of the bin. Once he did, I climbed ontop of Sherlock's shoulders and allowed him to get over the fence and then both of them helped me down. We ran to the end of the alley, stopping as a police car sped by.

"Everybody wants to believe it, that's what makes it so clever." Sherlock said. "All my brilliant deductions are a sham, no one feels inadequate, Sherlock Holmes is just an ordinary man. A lie thats preferable to the truth. "

"Not for everyone." I said, still feeling angry at him for accusing me of believing the lies.

"What about Mycroft? He could help us." John offered. Sherlock pulled us to the other side of the wall, peering around the corner. 

"If he thinks I want a reconciliation? Now's not really the moment." We went out into the middle of the alley, seeing a head poking around the corner. John pulled as back behind the wall.

"Sherlock, we're being followed. I knew we couldn't outrun the police."

"That's not the police. Only one of our new neighbors." I told him.

"Let's see if he can give us some answers." We ran tot he end of the alley, opening up towards the street.

"Where are we going?" John whispered.

"We're going to jump in front of that bus." Before anyone could question him, we ran out into the middle of the road, standing in front of the London public bus. In moments we were all tackled to the ground, Sherlock and John both on top of me. I couldn't see what was happening, but I felt Sherlock roll over onto his side and start talking."Tell me what you want from me. Tell me!"

"He left it at your flat."




"The computer key code." Sherlock stood up, and John helped me off of the ground.

"You alright?" John muttered. I nodded.

"Of course. He's selling it. The program he used to break into the Tower. He planted it when he came around." Three  shots rang out and he fell to the ground, dead. I screamed, and Sherlock took my hand, causing us to start running again. The sirens were back. We ducked into an open doorway. "That's a game changer. It's a key. It could break into any system and it's sitting in our flat right now.  That's why he left that message, telling everyone where to come. 'Get Sherlock'. We need to get back into the flat and search."

"CID will be camped out. Why plant it on you?"

"It's another subtle way of smearing my name, now I'm best pals with all those criminals."

"Yeah, well have you seen this?" John picked up the newspaper from a bin, the same one that we saw in Mycroft's office. "A kiss and tell. Some bloke called Rich Brook. Who is he?"

"I've met this reporter before...let's go find out." Sherlock said.


I felt a bit strange, waiting in this woman's flat in the dark. her couch was small, so I was forced to sit on the floor between the two. The door creaked open and the light clicked on.

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