Article of the Week #3

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Cecelia Steenburgh

Mrs. Youngheim

English 9

5 January 2018

How About You Don't Tell Me What to do Because You Are Not Legally in Charge of Me

I do not have a preference. I can write any which way a teacher would want me to do. I can even write backward and upside down. Very neatly I might add. When it comes to big writing projects I tend to like writing my words down on paper and then type them up. Small assignments like this one, I usually type them up. Its a waste of paper sometimes. I am pretty concise or I try to be when I write. I also have small or moderately sized handwriting so when I type up stuff I've written it usually is over or under what the teacher wants the page or word limit to be. That's why I type the small stuff no need to fret about page or word count if the computer can tell me exactly how much I've written. As for reading, I prefer a more physical object. Yes, there are certain advantages to having an online book but there is also the catch of having to charge your device and the threat of possibly accidentally deleting your book. There are also disadvantages to the physical books as well. I cannot tell you how many books I have ruined by inadvertently dropping them into the bathtub. Physical books can also hold so much value to a person. Yes, they take up space but that's one of the perks, you can see how many worlds you have dipped your head into. I also love the new and old books smell. And what's better on a rainy or snowy day than curling up on your couch, a movie playing in the background, sipping on tea or hot cocoa, and reading your favorite books. Also, there is more of a rush when you're reading the most exciting part of your book and you do fast and dramatic page flips. 

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