Chapter 2

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My mother once told me that you should always believe in yourself, although back then I only shrugged it off as sappy nonsense.
The strange thing was that those three insignificant words always stuck, even 500 years later I can still remember them. Stranger still those words would just happen to be the three words that would change my fate.

"You have a responsibility to your kingdom (y/n),  and that means you will need t.."
"To look after yourself so that if anything ever happens to you, the people have someone to follow." I cut in, I had heard this speech almost every day of my life, sometimes even twice a day.
"Exactly, which means that you need to know everything I know so that you can rule in a fair and equal way, like I do. That also means finding a husband to carry the line on with." This sentence shocked me back to reality. "But Nana!" "No buts I want to know that the line is safe before I go across the water."

This conversation was getting very tired. So, after little thought, I decided that I would tell my Nana that I was tired, this seems to Always work .

"Nana, I am quite tired can I go to bed, you don't want me to be tired for tomorrow do you?" I asked with my best five year old voice, for that is certainly how old she thinks I am. "Of course (y/n) I had not known how late it had got." It was 6:00.
I was wrong.
she obviously thinks I am three.

I took myself up to my bedroom, it was a good thing that my bedroom had a window, but to be honest most bedrooms do, although, unlike other windows, the window had very old ivy fingering its way up the wall, which was long and thick, thick enough for me to climb out of my window into the forest that surrounds my home.

I grabbed by twin short blades, my elvish long blade and my old bow and arrows, I had been needing a new bow for years but my Nana said that it wasn't ladylike to use a bow and arrow. I don't know what she'd do if she knew I had swords as well.
One I had climbed down the wall I ran into the forest.

We have a problem with a certain kind of vermin on our forest. A huge problem.
Rats, huge rats, your probably thinking, oh rats are clever things that are just big mice, normal rats are, but these aren't.
They are bigger than cats and they have teeth the side of daggers. With claws the length of knives, they are really dangerous and you can't go near them go can only shoot them at a distance.
As I ventured deeper and deeper into the forest I heard more and more of the vermin's foul noise.
If you can imagine the most hideous noise in the world it's worse than that, it was a kind of squeaking scratchy noise.
Absolutely horrible.
I had ventured into the forest so many times, I knew exactly where the vermin's, that we call veoquin, nests' are, first I have to throw a piece of meat onto the ground to lure them out, then as they come out one by one (while I'm sitting in a near by tree) I shoot them dead, they are absolutely weird creatures, they don't seem to sense or see their dead relatives.
I had never seen a veoquin attack someone I've only ever heard of them attacking people so I decided that instead of being a scaredy cat and going it the tree I will stand opposite the hole and wait for them to sniff me out instead. Hunting veoquin was a long, taxing and dangerous task at the best of times and when you do it probably, it took probably over five minutes for them to sniff me out. Once they did they didn't do their normal one by one line, they all squeezed themselves out at the same time.
Before I knew it I had been pushed onto my back, I managed to chop about five of their heads off in one go so that I could get up, I had already been badly scratched and I was starting to panic.
I was surrounded.
I couldn't help thinking this was the end, I would never be able to see Ada or Nana again. And I would never be able to be queen and rule my kingdom.
No, I couldn't think that now, I must fight them off or...
I started to shoot arrows at random, but the veoquin seemed to be multiplying. I could feel myself tearing up, I hated crying it seemed so babyish but I couldn't help it, no mater what I did they never stopped coming.
I was knocked back down and this time I didn't retaliate as much this time.
I was giving up there was no point trying they would just kill me anyway. As they came I started to sob quite loudly, it was the end so I don't care what I was doing. I could feel them running up my legs with their razor sharp claws. The last thing i saw before I blacked out I saw a white and green blur fly over my head.


I could feel eyes looking at me with a strangely inquisitive feeling to them.
The sun was shining on my face.
As I slowly came round the figure that was kneeling next to me came into focus.
I had never really liked male elves and I had never, and thought I would never, call someone handsome, but he was, and I couldn't disagree with that. He didn't seem to see me waking, but as I sat up he quickly turned around and offered me a hand to help me up. I looked around me as I got up. About a hundred veoquin were dead and I had only killed about 20. I was astounded that the handsome stranger was such a good bow and swordsman.
When I got up I couldn't help hissing with pain. The stranger looked at me with concern in his eyes "Are you ok miss?" He smiles and me and I blushed, I wouldn't normally be this girlish, normally I would be very blunt but all I could do was say "yes thank you, um..."
"Oh I need to introduce myself Legolas Greenleaf at your service." Legolas? Where had I heard that before? I decided to let that matter drop.
"(Y/n) at yours."
"(Y/n)! What a beautiful name, but I recognise it, have I met you before?"
"No I don't think we have met, but you probably have heard of me because I'm the princess of this kingdom."
"Princess!" Legolas went down on one knee and bowed, for some reason he was blushing.
"Oh no need for that Legolas." I said sharply.
"I hate it when people treat me like proper royalty."

Vermin of Iostar, A Princess's Dream, LegolasXReaderWhere stories live. Discover now