Chapter 3

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I was just reading through them when I realised that they are exactly the same.
Sorry about that, if you read 2 just skip this one ok?!
Except for the end, you will need to read that bit ok?!
Anyways sorry again.

I could feel eyes looking at me with a strangely inquisitive feeling to them.
The sun was shining on my face.
As I slowly came round the figure that was kneeling next tot me came into focus.
I had never really liked male elves and I had never, and thought I would never, call someone handsome, but he was, and I couldn't disagree with that. He didn't seem to see me waking, but as I sat up he quickly turned around and offered me a hand to help me up. I looked around me as I got up. About a hundred veoquin were dead and I had only killed about 20. I was astounded that the handsome stranger was such a good bow and swords person.
When I got up I couldn't help hissing with pain. The stranger looked at me with concern in his eyes "Are you ok miss?" He smiles and me and I blushed, I wouldn't normally be this girlish, normally I would be very blunt but all I could do was say "yes thank you, um..."
"Oh I need to introduce myself Legolas Greenleaf at your service." Legolas? Where had I heard that before? I decided to let that matter drop.
"(Y/n) at yours."
"(Y/n)! What a beautiful name, but I recognise it, have I met you before?"
"No I don't think we have met, but you probably have heard of me because I'm the princess of this kingdom."
"Princess!" Legolas went down on one knee and bowed, for some reason he was blushing.
"Oh no need for that Legolas." I said sharply.
"I hate it when people treat me like proper royalty."
Legolas then got up and gave me a understanding smile.
I then hisses with pain, my sides and legs were all scratched up and they hurt, they hurt a lot.
Worry clouded Legolas's face "we need to get you back!"

Vermin of Iostar, A Princess's Dream, LegolasXReaderWhere stories live. Discover now