Chapter 4

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Now I started to worry I hadn't thought of the reaction that my parents would have to what I was doing, IT WAS SUNDAY! That meant that it was the day of the coronation. Not my coronation, but the prince of Mirkwood coronation, even as it was not mine I still had to look nice. One of my many stupid princess duties.
"I,,I can't go back, not like this."
"My Nana would kill me for going without permission, and for being stupid, 'you would be dead if that nice young man didn't come round and save you'." I said in my best mocking voice of my Nana.
Legolas laughed then looked serious. "Well at least you have an Nana that is still here to love and protect you."
I smiled, then I suddenly realised something, his mother is dead, that is probably why he was out here in the first place. "I'm sorry, I, I didn't mean to bring up the subject." I said, blushing and looking at my feet.
Legolas said nothing, he just shook it off. "Come on let's take you home, I've got somewhere i need to be."
"No, I'm not going I can't."
"Fine I'll leave you here to be eaten by the veoquin."
"But they are all dead you killed them!"
"Not all of then, no more have come because I'm here, they will eat you up when I leave."
Horror came across my face, I couldn't think of anything worse than having to see a veoquin again.
"You wouldn't leave me, would you?" I said in my five year old voice, I wanted to see if it worked on him.
All he did was look at me with pity in his eyes, it didn't work.
"That won't work on me, you'll have to try harder than that."
I laughed "Ok then, fine, let's go."
We made our way through the forest, soon we were out and we could see my house from where we stood.
"Where do you need to be?"
"What?" He asked
"Earlier you said that you would leave me in the forest as you had somewhere to be!" I explained
"Well (y/n) you have somewhere to be yes?"
"Yes! Why?"
"Well let's just say I've got the same arrangements that you do!"
"YOU are going to the coronation!"
"You could say that,yes."

Vermin of Iostar, A Princess's Dream, LegolasXReaderWhere stories live. Discover now