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 "what the fuck am i supposed to do about you and i"

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"what the fuck am i supposed to do about you and i"

layla and reid were headed back to the room where they'd set up when agent frank tapped layla on the shoulder.

"there weren't any unsolved cases that matched the criteria," he said.

layla gave him a confused look, "really? nothing involving knives?" she asked, wondering if maybe he wasn't looking for the right things.

agent frank shook his head, "nope, just petty things like bar fights or burglaries."

reid gave layla a look and she immediately knew what to do.

"do you think we could look through the files? maybe we'll catch something," she asked, giving agent frank a polite but somewhat flirty smile.

he shook his head, "there's no need for that. you have work to do."

layla tilted her head to the side and placed her hand on his shoulder, "me and spence actually just finished all we have to do right now," she said, slowing her voice down to sound flirtier.

agent frank looked like he was about to give in so layla flashed him a smile.

"ok fine. i'll show you two the file room," agent frank caved.

layla grinned in success as her and reid followed agent frank back to the file room.

"all of our unsolved cases are back here," agent frank said, gesturing to the very back of the room.

"thank you," layla said with a smile.

agent frank nodded, "sure thing," he said with a nod before walking out and closing the door behind him.

layla turned to reid and saw he looked a little tense. "you okay spence?" she asked in a worried voice.

reid nodded and cleared his throat. "yeah i'm fine," he assured her, "let's start digging through these files."

they started with the closest unsolved cases and grabbed the boxes and file folders to sort through. it was definitely a time consuming task, but layla didn't trust what agent frank had said and she knew reid didn't either. he seemed like he was trying to hide something. even though it was a long activity, time seemed to fly by. layla, being the chatty person she is, talked to reid most of the time.

"do you think agent frank knows who one of  the guys is?" she asked reid.

he shook his head, "no, rural georgia is a big area, it's unlikely," reid replied, his eyes not leaving the case he was reading.

"maybe he wasn't lying," layla suggested.

reid looked up at her, "let's hope he was, because these case files are such a bore, i better not be wasting my time," he joked with a dorky grin.

layla laughed slightly, "i'm here though, so it can't be that boring. i'm pretty entertaining if i do say so myself," she joked back, leaning closer to reid.

he shrugged, "i don't know layla, you can be boring too."

layla feigned hurt, "honestly spence, i thought you were my friend."

reid grinned and ran his fingers through his hair, "you know i don't actually think you're boring."

layla nodded, "i know you were joking. i mean, i hope so," she said with a laugh.

reid shook his head with a smile before scooting his chair away from the table. "i'm gonna grab some more files."

layla nodded and got up, "i guess i will too."

they walked to the back of the file room, and layla reached up to grab a box off the top shelf. reid chuckled in amusement watching her short figure try to grab the files.

"don't just watch me struggle spence, help me," she said with a laugh.

reid grabbed the box for her, not even needing to reach.

layla huffed, "you know there's such a thing as being too tall," she said defensively.

"same goes with being short lay," reid countered making layla roll her eyes.

"you know i probably could've reached that box."

reid chuckled, "really?" he asked, not believing her.

layla nodded, "easily."

"okay, show me."

layla turned to the shelf and looked up at a box by the one reid grabbed for her. she stood as tall as she could and reached up to grab the box. she began to fall forward, taking a few boxes down with her. thankfully the shelves were bolted to the ground so layla just fell into the shelf and knocked some boxes down. she groaned and looked up at reid's amused face.

"i got the box down," she said.

reid laughed and bent down to help her up.

"i can get up myself spence," she said as she sat up, causing their faces to be incredibly close.

layla looked directly into reid's eyes while he felt an incredible urge to lean forwards and kiss her. before he could give in, layla stood up and offered him a hand.

"c'mon spence. we have a ton of files to sort through."

layla laughed and leaned into reid as they walked out of the file room. they'd stayed in there most of the day, and the rest of the team had already gone home.

"please tell me your joking spence?" layla said with a giggle.

"no i'm being dead serious lay. i really thought that's what he was talking about," reid replied, a smile on his face.

layla grinned at him, "wanna go do something? like a movie or dinner?" she asked.

reid shrugged, "i'm not really in the mood to go out," he replied, still thinking about how he almost kissed her earlier that day.

"then we could just relax in my hotel room. order a pizza, watch a documentary or something," layla said, still trying to convince him.

reid sighed, "ok fine. i want to pick where we order the pizza from though."

"deal," layla replied with a bright smile.

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