[1] Cold

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I saw this when i was looking for pictures for my cover, I though this was cute so Imma do something close to dat ;>

Wake up.


Wake up.


Wake up!

Jolting awake,Your eyes teared up as you sat up in your bed.  Clutching your arms in desperation, You felt cold, You wanted Elias. You knew you couldn't wake him up though. You wanted him to sleep.


Searching through your darkened room you grabbed your soft, comfy blanket and left the room. You krepted down the wooden steps trying not to make a sound, which sadly didn't work.


You bit down on your lip hoping it didn't wake up Elias. The noise was quite loud to be honest, But little did you know, he heard. You made it down the rest of the steps without making a sound thankfully, Making your way to the living room, you sat down on the couch.

you cuddled in your soft blanket looking out the window, to the dark outside world, while hearing the clock hit midnight.

"You know, You made alot of noise earlier."

Your whole body tensed hearing his voice.

"I...I was trying to keep you asleep honestly, Elias."

He sighed walking around the couch, To your huddled form.

"Y/n, Why are you awake?"

He asked as he crouched down to your level where you were sitting.


You bit your lip again, You were kinda embarrassed telling him.

"Take your time."

He stated as his red glowing eyes stared into yours.

"I had a nightmare. I know you told me to come to you when i have these types of things,"

You said as your eyes looked away from his.

"But i didn't want to wake you up."

He took your hands into his, rubbing circles into them slightly.

"You can always come to me
Y/n, even if I'm not fully awake do to you."

You blushed, but soon yawned tiredly due to staying up later then usual.

His hands made their way under your leggs and on your back. Holding you up to his chest.


"You can stay with me tonight."

He carried you up the steps and walking up into his room. Placing you gently on his soft bed. You made your way under the blankets as he himself was getting back in. You snuggled to his side as he was haying on his stomach.

"Thank you Elias."

You whispered as your eyes became droopy, Which you finally fell asleep with him.

You finally felt

 Elias Ainsworth OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now