[6] Gone •Prt. 2•

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I just watched the last episode. So sad. I hope they make season 2. Also so sorry for the late update :P Also! I understand about my writing mistakes but keep in mind that im writing these at night so im very tired when i am.


(f/c) = favorite colored
(S/a) = Spirit animal

Screaming was all that was heard as joesph tried to tare of Y/n's arm off,

"Argh!! S-Stop!"

"All i need is your arm."

She kept screaming as green lighting formed between them, suddenly Titania appeared.

"Found you!"

She said happily as Cartaphilus jumped back when Elias and Ruth appeared. Elias' red eye glew with hatred as his thorns raced towards Joesph.


"Don't call me by that name!"

Cartaphilus said coldly as they dodged Elias's thorns again and again. Spriggan looked toward Titania.

"My queen, I trust that this ends your whimsical matters, Let's return."

Titania smiled turning her head to Y/n,

"Come on Y/n, Lets go home. Its dangerous here."

Y/n just looked at Cartaphilus as they sat on the ground in despair. Hair hanging from their face.

"You all ought to see what it's like- To decay for two thousand years! Completely unable to die!"

They slammed their hand on the ground which made the glass that held the creatures inside shatter.

[rest of the chapter will be me writing freely. Some parts will be the same though]

The creatures came crawling out sprinting towards Elias and Ruth, Ruth using his flames on one of the weird life like demons.

Elias to was killling the creatures that were attacking him and others. They practically came running to him.

Cartaphilus walked through a channel as Y/n grew nervous thinking if her running after them was the right choice.

'Screw it'

Y/n quickly ran through the channel leaving everyone with concern as she tried to catch up with Cartaphilus.


Leaving the creatures to die in their broken state, Elias and Ruth as well as the others ran quickly trying to catch to Y/n.

As they saw Y/n running they all watched as she brought our her (f/c) wand.

(out of nowhere lel)


Y/n breathing began to get rigged as she stopped and put her wand to her chest. Y/n closed her eyes and thought of something to help her catch up.

Bright light shined making the others behind her stop. Y/n dropped down on her knees as the light began absorbing her body

Elias tried to get to her before it was to late unfortunately it was to late.


Her now (s/a) head glanced at him but then turned away focusing on her true mission.

Getting Cartaphilus.

Her body flew/ran arcoss the alley catching up to Cartaphilus and absorbing them with her light.

As the light went away everyone with widened eyes watched as Y/n had her arms around Cartaphilus. The light faded away as she began singing her beautiful song,

[If you know this you're a beautiful being]

"Flower, gleam and glow,

Let your power shine,

Make the clock reverse,

Bring back what once was mine,


Heal what has been hurt,

Change the Fates' design

Save what has been lost

Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine.."

Cartaphilus fell into Y/n's arms making her sigh in relief

Elias quickly grabbed Y/n leaving Cartaphilus to the others.

Hugging her small frame [Compared to him] tightly, he sighed.

"You had me worried Y/n."

She smiled

"there's nothing to be worried about, Im still mad at you and Ruth though, but only tonight ill let it go."

What was once gone is now

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