[8][AU!] Forbidden

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Above is a reference for you to imagine during the whole oneshot, if you dont like it you can change it. The color of the dress doesn't have to be blue, ill make it that it can be any color. The hair can be changed as well, basically everything can.

(D/C) = Dress color
(h/l) = hair length
(h/c) = hair color

AU! This is kind of a Royalty type of oneshot. As well as Elias understands emotions

Tbh this oneshot is cute and adorable lol I had fun writing it,

Watching longingly across the land that stood before y/n, she sighed. Her parents, The king and queen had gone away on business for their kingdom, Rarity.

Rarity, along with Purity, Riverling, and Brightin are the four kingdoms fought against eachother for years.
That was until monster's started coming, they had came from the Everbay forest, Which was right next to the Rarity kindom.

In conclusion means Rarity was getting attacked the most out of all kingdoms.

"My lady?"

Suddenly brought out of her thoughts, Y/n turned to her personal maid that stood at the door of her chambers.

"Chise!..My apologies,I was..distracted."

Chise placed down Y/ns clothes upon the princess's bed and glanced toward her,

"My lady, what seems to be fogging your mind?"

Y/n paused for a good second before giving her lie.

"I was thinking of going in the garden today, but due to the monsters attack's....I don't know."

Chise smiled lightly as she began fitting the (D/c) dress on Y/n,

"Lady Y/n, there's no need to worry, the guards are all around to protect you from anything."

Y/n smiled nervously as she thought of the possibilities that could happen today,

"Of course Chise...Of course."


Chise had finished dressing
Y/n and looked to her as she began to leave,

"My lady my apologies but I'm leaving now, I have other important matters to attend too."

Y/n smiled at her as she stood up in her (d/c) dress as her (h/l) (h/c) hair bounced up,

"Its alright Chise, I'll be heading to the garden now"

Chise smiled to Y/n as she left to her important errand.


Y/n stepped out of her chambers and headed down the steps of the seemed to be a empty castle. Looking toward the two empty thrones she frowned, her parents were always to busy to be with her. Saying 'the kingdom matters must be attended'. 

Upon opening the french garden doors Y/n smiled as she closed her eyes and smelled the fresh outside smell.

Stepping out upon the path, dress flowing freely, she picked up a rose from one of the bushes but got cut by a thorn in response.


She held her bleeding finger as she looked across the garden, the gate- it had lead to the forest. She gazed at it thinking if she wanted to leave, but there was a big possibility of her getting caught leaving castle grounds.

Glancing across the garden for any guards,but there had been none.


She thought confused but soon rushed to the gate not wanting to be caught. Opening it, she quickly ran to the forest she wanted to get to what she desired most.


She smiled as she saw the one she had wanted to see again, Elias. He had saved her from another monster a year ago that tried to eat her. They soon began bonding and soon started to love one another.


Elias turned to her as she ran up to him and hugged his waist, she was quite short compared to him.

"Hello Y/n, I was worried that you wouldn't see me this week"

she smiled lovingly as he lifted her up to sit her upon his lap as he sat down on a stomp,

"I'll always make time for you"

She said snuggling her small head into his chest,

"Im glad, although it seems your duties are becoming time-taking."

He said as he rubbed her back,
She frowned she was reminded of that, she wants to be normal.

"It seems so. I wish I was normal, I wouldn't have to sneak out all the time."

Elias chuckled softy as he responded,

"I wish that to, but we must work with that we currently have."

Playing with her finger that had gotten injured, she turned her back to his chest, he then just noticed her hurt finger,

"Y/n...I wish you would not get hurt, You worry me to much."

He took her finger in his hands as he bend his head down onto her shoulder and licked her finger.

She blushed lightly as his vividly red eyes turned to her flushed face. His head still upon her shoulder, he hugged her from behind.

Even though he was a monster and she was a human, They still loved eachother even if it was forbidden.

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