[9] Trust

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Starting to run low on ideas,  any suggestions?

I might make a another part to this,  depends on what you guys think :3

Edit: I've been busy in all because I started high school, I'm sorry that I haven't updated.

From the very beginning Y/n was lied to, She watched as the people she trusted and loved the most go behind her back and betray her.

Her parents gave her to Cartaphilus as an offering so they could live, but as it turned out Cartaphilus killed them after they gave Y/n up.

As days grew into years as
Y/n was imprisoned. She became dull. Her eyes not as bright as they were before, shining a bright, beautiful, vivid (e/c)

Though one day she escaped. 


Elias watched as Simon stood with Y/n at his front door. Silky stood behind with Chise and Ruth behind her.

"Is there something you need?"

Elias was the first to ask watching both humans in front of him, Y/n specially caught his eye, She looked like a doll, fluttering her eyes every other five seconds.

"This is Y/n, she's been through a lot and the church expects you to take care of her. "

Simon placed both of his hands upon her shoulders placing her in front of Elias.

Elias sighed glancing at both humans, She looked horrible to be quite honest.  Her hair was a mess along with torn clothes and dirt all over her.

"Alright. Silky, you don't mind taking care of her while I talk with Simon?"

Elias had turned to Silky,  She nodded in response.

Silky came forward and gently bowed, Y/n silently walked behind Silky as they went upstairs to the bathroom.


"What has happened to her?"

Simon sighed as he made himself comfortable on Elias' couch,

"She was endlessly tortured by Cartaphilus, She escaped by the help of our allies, but we're afraid of Cartaphilus coming for her. So we entrust her with you."

Elias watched Simon for a brief moment. He had no say if she was to stay or not. Now knowing her past, Elias now has a good reason for her to stay.

"Alright then."

Simon stood up in relief, y/n and silky had just come down from upstairs and walked into the living room, Y/n looking cleaner then before with also a new set of clothes.

"Thank you for doing this, I really must go. I'll come back in a week to check on Y/n. "

Simon waved to as he left, 
Y/n stood in silence as she watched him walk out of sight.

Soon in her view was a young girl about mid teens with vivid red hair.

"Hello! I'm Chise, It's really nice to meet you!"

Y/n stood there surprised as the girl with ruby red hair had her hand out towards hers.

"I.. I'm Y/n. "

Y/n shook Chise's hand hesitantly as Elias soon approached.

"Y/n, I want you to know you can trust us."

Elias now held his hand toward the (h/c) haired girl. Y/n thought for a brief moment,  she just met them but she felt safe with them.

Moving her hand into his she looked up into his vivid red eyes.

"I trust you."

 Elias Ainsworth OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now