[4] Gone •Prt.1•

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Idk.-. Jut red ;) no corections neded... Btw this is from Episode 21, Spoilers ahead!! Second part won't come out until Episode 22 in English sub does, sorry 😔
You are also a sleigh beggy, You're basically Chise. 030 anddddd ik i said i was gonna make a cute oneshot but i saww this instead sorry again 😟


Y/n stated as she watched Stella, Ruth and Elias were in the room. Stella rushed to Y/n in a panicked state.

"Y/n! Help me!"


"Elias wants to sacrifice me in your place, he says he's going to transfer your curse onto me! He's going to kill me!"

Stella clung onto you as if 'she' was hanging on to dear life.

"Y/n, get away from her, She's-"


Y/n said again not looking at him until after her next line of words.

"Elias, really?"

Her eyes were staring into Elias's soul like of it was something she hated. Turning to Stella.

"Stella, I'll catch up to you later. Run as far as you can."


Stella ran off out of the house as Y/n kept her back turned from Elias not wanting to look at him.


"Don't come near me."

She said roughly as she was still not look at them, Ruth tried to get passed the door,

"You don't go either."

Elias flipped back the cloth on his face and watched Y/n as she was turning around,


"About what?"

"For trying to sacrifice Stella in your place."

She looked at him with a hurt face as tears began to pool in her eyes. She clutched her face, As she said aloud

"I wanted you to let me think about this together with you!"

The air was tense for a little bit until Elias made her hurt and even more broken then she already is.

"I never promised anything."

Y/n widened her eyes as she looked at him, She refused to look at him directly.


"I decided if it had to be done, It would be Stella

"You look at Stella with a different expression then you do me. I can't stand that."

"That's why.."

Realization hit y/n hard as she now understood what he was saying.

"As long as you live, I'm happy"

His hand reaching for Y/n's arm as she hit him hard in the face with her fist. His eyes widen a bit as she took her red aching hand away from his face and clutch it to her chest.

"You were no different..!"

She ran outside the door and screamed out,



Green flowing light started flowing in his face as Y/n was making her way down the stairs and out the house. Ariel looked aggressively at Elias,

"You aren't going anywhere, You fool."


Catching up with stella you grabb her shoulder,


The appearance of Joesph (can't say his real name :/) appeared in front of Y/n's eyes as she stepped back.

"Car- Joesph."

Stellas eyes widened knowing her true identity had been found out,

"Shucks, You got me."

"Why are you doing this to Stella?"

Not answering the question, He looked offered her a deal.

"Lets make a deal."

"A deal?"

Y/n and Joesph stood there as Y/n was wondering want he wanted.

"If you agree, Ill give you a spell that'll ward off your
inevitable death and I'll give the girl back. Well?"

Weird tentacles started coming out of Stellas and Joesphs neck,

"If you don't, You understand don't you?"

Y/n paused for a second before hearing her name aloud as she turned around to see Ruth and Elias running towards them.


"C'mon, They're going to catch up."

Joesph said playfully as he looked at them,



Dead silence was in the air was Elias and Ruth finally caught up. Taking off her Turquoise looking necklace as Joesph held the teleporting device.

"I can't be with you as you are now, I'm sorry."

Joesph activated the device sending Him and Y/n away, Leaving Ruth and Elias struck as her turquoise necklace hit the floor.

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