Chapter 5

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The next day was a Saturday.

Y/n was sitting at home asleep in bed while her mom was out doing work with her father.

Well, her father was out overseas on a business trip.

Y/n heard a knock on her door and got up groggily with her hair in all sorts of directions. She basically looked like Goku with super Mario pajamas on.

She went downstairs after slipping on her home shoes and she fixed her hair slowly putting her hand over her mouth so her morning breath wouldn't faze the person she was talking to.

The bell rang a few more times as she approached it and she yelled softly"stop that! I'm coming!" She opened the door startling the person on the other side slowly and she looked at them with a red nose and bored eyes that seemed to glint in interest.

"Kim Taehyung, what are you doing here? If it's about my ear. I'm alright now." she mumbled softly looking at the rather tall male.

"No idiot my dad wants me to apologize and keep watch over you for a few hours soi can 'make friends' " taehyung said pushing past her and took off his shoes by the door and he mumbled something before traveling to the living room.

Y/n shrugged before closing the door moving her hand from her mouth to her side as she walked to where taehyung was. "Well I'm going to take a shower and you know get ready for the day. I hope you make yourself at home here taehyung. If you need anything just come upstairs to the pink door."

Y/n left upstairs after she said what she needed and disappeared into the washroom after grabbing all of her things.

Taehyung pulled out his phone playing games on his phone. Though he heard a barking noise and turned his head towards the kitchen where a dog was staring at him.

It was a little Pomeranian pup and its cute eyes entranced taehyung making the boy show his box smile.

"Hey, little fella" taehyung was going to pet the dog until it growled at him not wanting to be touched without smelling and licking the stranger's hands first.

Y/n came out of her room after becoming situated with herself. She put little makeup on just to conceal her imperfections. She looked great if she would ask her self that.

Taehyung was too busy playing with the pup to even notice y/n who was leaning against the kitchen door frame and she smiled softly.

The small pup came over to y/n barely able to run and she kneeled down. As the small dog jumped into her arms.

"Awe yeoman. I missed you baby boy."taehyung watched as the girl played around with her puppy. A smile began to creep onto his face as he watched them both playing, his heart skipped a beat and he stopped blocking out the emotion until he heard y/n calling his name.

"Taehyung, do you want to take yeontan on a walk with me?" She said innocently in a genuine tone.

Taehyung sighed rolling his eyes and had nodded looking at the girl. "Yeah, sure whatever let's just walk him and come straight back."


My surgery is on another day wisdom teeth are coming out at 11:45 pm KST so I won't be updating for a few days after today. I'm sorry for the inconvenience

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