chapter 6

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Taehyung and y/n both walked yeontan around the park, not a word was said. They both let the silence consume their time together even though they weren't complaining about it at all.

Yeontan began to bark when he saw a group of dogs playing together and he didn't do anything but runs in circles around y/n and taehyung. Yeontan's leash bringing them both closer together as they left no space between each others bodies.

Y/n gulped while taehyung just sat there admiring his features from up close. The girl was truly in love with this boy but knowing how he felt still wasn't going to change the way she felt about him.

Taehyung bent down and began to untangle yeontans leash and he picked him up scolding the dog softly." no bad puppy, you could've made us fall and then we would've been hurt." Yeontan began to whimper like he was apologizing and taehyung sighed walking with yeontan in his arms.

Taehyung had walked over to the group of dogs that were running around playing with each other and he sat yeontan down to let him play with them all while y/n and himself watched.

After what seemed like hours of watching the puppy play with his new friends.

Y/n whistled for her dog to come over But he only shook his head covering his eyes with his paws."Come on yeontan, its time to go home granny is coming home today."

Yeontan ran off to play again before y/n ran after him with her arms reached out to him.

She scooped up yeontan and had walked back towards taehyung who was waiting patiently for her.

He began to walk behind y/n after she walked a little distance ahead of him. His pace natural beyond most things as he kept up with y/n.


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