chapter 7

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(I did a time skip making it a few weeks after. The process is painfully slow lol.😵 But um, the two have gotten just a bit closer to playing in the park w/ yeontan. [Tae babysitting y/n etc.)


"Wahh! Graduation is next week! I am ready to leave this place and start fresh with cute upperclassmen at a college!" Kimi spoke loudly as her and her friends y/n and Amy sat beside her listening to her.

"You said that in middle school when we were graduating. But guess what, you still haven't dated anyone" Amy said matter of factly to her unnie.

"Shut up you old mushroom. All have you know I have a secret admirer and I have yet to figure who he is" Kimi said chuckling to herself.

"But remember you old dog, the dance is this weekend and we have to go to commemorate our lives together and to remember the fun times of high school before we graduate," Amy said frowning at Kimi.

Both girls began bickering back and forth losing y/n's attention almost too quickly.

The said girl put her hand against her chin and rested her head on her hand with her eyes closed. She wasn't worried about anything since she was daydreaming.

The girl was daydreaming about Kim taehyung and she closed her eyes smiling to herself. She made a kissing face as she continued to daydream but was soon brought out of the daydream when Kimi and Amy had. Smacked the back of the girls head.

"No! No weird daydreaming in public right now." they both said attracting the attention of Kim taehyung and jungkook alongside with jungkook's brother Jonghyun.

Kimi looked at Jonghyun and smiled causing the boy to blush as he turned away. Amy looked at jungkook and sent an evil grin his way. She made a fist and collided it with the palm of her left hand. "I can't wait to destroy you in the gym"

But y/n turned away from taehyung so he couldn't see her face. She didn't talk to him since the day he had come over to her house.

Taehyung was bothered slightly by this and he got up walking over to the girl's table. He looked down at y/n while Amy and Kimi looked up at him shocked that he had come over to their table.

Y/n wasn't listening to anyone at all until the whole cafeteria went quiet. She looked up seeing taehyung. Looking down at her with a smirk on his face.

He sat next to y/n starting a spark of interest for rumors. Everyone in the cafeteria stayed quiet to listen to what he had to say.

"I'm taking you to that dance.I'll pick you up Friday night at 8 pm sharp. Don't take forever getting ready" taehyung scanned y/n's face hinting at any emotion at all.

But the girl didn't have any until she processed what he said. "" Y/ n suddenly passed out and hit her head on the table with a loud bang.

Taehyung flinched in shock and he helped both Kimi and Amy take the girl to the nurse's office where she would be able to rest until she would wake up from her own state of shock.

Kimi and Amy looked at each other smiling to themselves. It was like a light switch went off in their heads.


Chapter End💞

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