chapter 10

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Years had passed and taehyung and y/n both were heading towards the same path in life. They both were the heads of Kim's romance & couples counseling.

A firm that specializes in love and is a matchmaking business. Both were still dating deciding on taking things slow.

They had been dating for 3 years now and were the same as they were in high school.

Both of them were at work today.
They were helping a troubled couple who loved each other less and less with each passing day.

"She looks at other men like the last piece of cake on the table."

"He never tells me how beautiful I am and our sex life is boring."

Both y/n and taehyung looked at each other nodding at each other.

"You both feel like you aren't enough for each other, He craves for your attention, while you give it to other men," Taehyung states and taps his fingers on the table next to him.

He looks over at y/n who wrote on a piece paper writing details of the problem and how to try to solve it.

She looks up finally and y/n looks up at the man giving him a heartfelt smile. "Sir, You probably haven't noticed but maybe she feels like you aren't looking her way enough. Maybe you should consider at least trying the cliche things you see in romantic movies, no wait scratch that, how about you do things no other man would think of doing. Travel the world and explore it with her. Show her how much you truly love her, take photos and tell her what you thought about that certain day."

Taehyung had a small grin on his face as he adored how into this y/n was. He fell in love with her again every day.

He zones out for a while before he hears his name once more. He frowns when he hears a story y/n is telling.

"He never looked my way in high school, no matter how much he ignored me though I still chased after him. My friends though had done something back then and it worked. Though our second date he punched me in the nose." Y/n looked over at taehyung glaring at him.

Taehyung nervously laughed and he gulped." Yeah, but I was scared easily back then. Now I'm as tough as a nail"

"Haha, whatever taehyung" y/n stood up as well as taehyung. They both looked at the couple shaking their hands.

"Have a nice day?" taehyung said as the couple walked out.


Taehyung was now in his personal office working with a client.

She had red hair and had a piercing in her nose. To taehyung, she looked like a bull ready to destroy anything in her path. But that's only because of how mean she had looked.

Taehyung sighed and he nodded as he listened to her explain her ideal type.

"I don't care what gender they are since I am apart of the LGBT squad...don't judge me, it's what I and my bandmates call each other." The girl pointed a threatening finger at taehyung and he nodded.

"I won't, this is a judge free zone, we only consult in Love affairs and couple counseling for a couple," Taehyung said using his business slogan.

The girl nodded and continued on.

"Like I was saying, I don't care about gender, my ideal type is someone who isn't quick to judge a book by its cover. I prefer that my ideal type can help me when I need them too. Someone supporting, someone that.."

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