Chapter- 1

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“Hello and welcome to Subway. What can I get for you today?” I asked mechanically to the customer in front of me.  The line was going down and the shoppers in North Winchester Mall were dying down. But, really? Who orders Subway at eight at night when the mall is about to close and when there is a heavy snow storm outside? Not normal people. Well, I guess the snow isn’t a big deal, it is Maine. But it’s still not normal.

The man fed me his order and I robotically grabbed the bread from the shelf behind me and stuffed it with the meat and cheese that it called for before putting it in the toaster behind me.

“He’s our last order, then close up.” My boss, Frank told me as I took the next person’s order.

I nodded. “Going early?”

“Yeah. The wife’s worried that I’ll die in the snow.” He said with an annoyed chuckle.

“So you’re just going to leave me here to die alone?” I joked, putting the new sub into the toaster.

“No, you won’t be alone. Becker will be with you. You guys need to take inventory before you leave.” He said casually.

“You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” I asked, looking at Dyson who was stuffing a sub with peppers as the customer ordered. He purposely didn’t look my way.

You see, Dyson Becker is not a good person. He is annoying, childish, and rude. We have worked together at the same Subway in the same mall for almost a year now. We even go to the same high school as juniors. He hates me and I hate him, that’s just how it is. Of course, Frank just thinks our bicker is hilarious so he likes to give us the same shifts and give us the same jobs.

“You know I did.” Frank said with a wink. “See you Sunday.” He called, tossing me the keys and going through the back.

I cleaned out the cash register like I do whenever I have to close and put the money in the safe without saying a word to Dyson.

“Hey, let me get a twenty.” He whispered behind me.

I quickly shut the safe and locked it before spinning around to glare at Dyson.

“Why’d you do that?” He whined.

“You can’t steal, stupid.”

He smirked. “Don’t want me to get fired?”

“I don’t give a flying rat turd if you get fired. But if I let you steal, then I get fired. And you are not worth my job. Sorry to disappoint.” I said sweetly, walking into the back while Dyson put of the ‘Closed’ sign, even though everybody was out of the mall by now, thanks to the heavy security staff. Now, the only people in the building were the security and late shift of workers locking up.

Dyson followed me into the back and we started taking inventory of the cups. “So you aren’t afraid of the storm?” He teased.

“It’s Maine, this happens all of the time.” I sighed, not turning to face him so that I didn’t lose count of the paper cups.

“Well, yeah. But my phone says that it’s pretty serious.” He said.

“Aw, are you afwaid?” I chuckled in a little kid voice.

He chuckled. “Yeah, right.” He said confidently. “But if you want to cuddle, I’ll understand.” He purred. Did I mention that he’s a player? Well, he is.

“Oh, it’s tempting. But I think I’ll pass. I can handle myself.” I said simply.

“Still counting?” He said behind me.

“Yup.” I sighed, keeping my eyes on the cups. 154… 155…. 156.

“Seventy- two. Ninety- Six. One thousand and fifty three.”

“What are you doing?” I whined.

“Getting you off track.”

“Well, it’s not working.” I muttered. “You’re just being annoying and slowing us down. The faster you count, the faster we can far away from each other.”

He chuckled and I felt his body heat radiating off of my back, telling me that he was inches from me. He put his hands on my waist an put his lips so close to my ear that I could feel his breath. “You know you’ll miss me.” He whispered huskily.

I pushed my elbow back as hard as I could into his gut. He grunted and doubled over in pain. “Don’t touch me.” I growled.

He stood up straight. “Feisty, are we?”

“Shut up.” I muttered, finishing the inventory of the cups. I jumped and let out a loud shriek when a loud bold of thunder rattled the whole building.

Dyson laughed. “Not scared, right?” He asked sarcastically.

I glared at him but couldn’t think of a good come back in time before my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I quickly pulled it out and answered. “Hello?”

“Tyler?” It was my mom and she sounded scared. By the way, yes, my name is Tyler and I’m a girl. So my mom wanted a boy but got me.

“Yeah, Mom. What’s up?” I asked, sliding my green Subway visor off of my head and onto the hook assigned to me.

“Are you okay, sweety?” She asked.

“Yeah. I’m just about to leave the mall.”

“You haven’t left yet?!” She shrieked.

I chuckled. “No. I had inventory. I’m fine.”

“Honey, all of the roads are closing. You need to hurry up and get out before they won’t let you get home.”

I untied my apron and name tag then hung it with my visor. “Okay. I’m hurrying. See you soon. Love you.” I said. Before she could worry some more, I hung up my phone and went to the door.

Dyson was frowning down at me and standing in front of the closed door. “Dyson, move.” I sighed, tiredly.

He raised his eyebrows at me and stepped aside. “Good luck getting out.”

I rolled my eyes then turned the door knob but it wouldn’t budge.

“Looks like we’re locked in, babe.”

Had to be DysonWhere stories live. Discover now