Chapter- 11

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This girl was the most confusing piece of work I have ever met.

Before this whole thing happened, I thought that I hated her. She’s stubborn, stuck up, annoying, prude, bossy, and boring. But when she hit her head, I rushed to her side to help her. I think that’s when I found out that I care about her. Not in a romantic way, though. Like a sister, she’s like my sister. I mean, not exactly like a sister because I think that she's beautiful and I look at her boobs a lot when she's not looking. My point is that I care about her platonically. We tease each other and we can’t stand each other, but we’ve spent so  much time together that we actually grew to care about each other.

So when she had told me that her brother was shot a few years ago, I was insanely shocked. I can’t believe she never told me that before. I don’t know why that bugged me so badly, though. I never told her about my problems at home, and there’s a lot. But I don’t tell her about those, so why was I mad at her for not telling me hers?

And then when she told me that she never told anybody, I absolutely felt like a world class jerk for overreacting. I am a world class jerk. Not like I’m going to admit that, though.

After Tyler left me in the chairs, I sighed and stayed seated and gave myself time to think about the situation. But no matter how much I thought about it, I still felt really bad about what had happened. This whole drinking thing was stupid, none of this would have happened if we didn’t drink. It’s really all my fault. But, again, it’s not like I’ll admit that.

I looked at the walky talkie and saw that it was about dinner time. I groaned then stood to my feet walking, in silence, through the Macy’s and through the abandoned hallways of the mall towards the food court.

I cooked two Strombolis, one pepperoni for me and one cheese for Tyler. The thing was, I had no idea where that girl was.

I grabbed my new walky talkie and pushed down the button. “I made dinner.”

No response.

“It’ll be in the food court, if you want it.” I said into the walky talkie.

Again, no response.

“God damn it, Tyler. Stop being so fucking stubborn!” I yelled.


I took a calming deep breath. “Sorry.” I sighed. “Just please. Come eat the damn thing.”

And again, silence. But then there was a sound. My ears perked and strained to hear where the sound was coming from, it wasn’t the walky talkie… it was a… a guitar.

I smiled. “Got her.” I said to myself. I grabbed both Strombolis then made my way quickly towards the music store as the smooth sound of the guitar grew louder and louder as I got closer. I stopped when I got to the entrance of the music store and sat down in the hallway, out of sight from Tyler who was still strumming away at the guitar and playing some unknown song.

Her voice sounded amazing when it wasn’t nagging or whining, there was no denying it. I listened closely as she sang the words to the song.

If I die young, bury me in satin. Lay me down on a, bed of roses, sink me in the river, at dawn. Send me away with the words of a love song. Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother. She'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors, oh well life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no ain't even grey, but she buries her baby.

Wait. That does sound familiar. Oh, right. That’s the song by that country band. Perry something.

I waited until the song was finished to stand up and nonchalantly walk into the music store, earning a loud squeal from Tyler as she practically threw the guitar as far away from her as she could.

“What the hell are you doing?” She snapped, her face the color of a cherry. A cute cherry.

I held up the Strombolis. “I brought dinner.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“Of course you’re not hungry.” I muttered. “You’re also unappreciative.”

“Fine.” She huffed, taking the plate with her cheese Stromboli on it.

“Are you still going to deny that you sing?” I asked with a teasing smile as I sat across from her on the music store floor.

She scowled at me before ripping into her Stromboli like she hasn’t eaten in days. “Shut up.” Was her brilliant come back.

“Says the hungry cavewoman. Now I can see why you don’t go on dates at all.” I snickered, taking a bite of my steaming Stromboli.

Her scowl deepened. “I’m hungry, shut up. And what makes you think I don’t go on dates?”

“That’s easy. One, you’re a prude, no matter what you say, you’re still prude. And two, I’ve seen your work log. You’ve worked every Friday and Saturday night since last year.”

“Not true.” She objected. “I didn’t work a whole week one time, including weekends.”

“Because you had to go somewhere for your cousin’s wedding. I remember you telling me that.” I muttered. “Just admit it. You don’t go out.”

She finished her Stromboli and stood up. “I need the money.” She shrugged.

“So you admit it.” I said with a clever smirk as I stood up, wiping my hands on my pants from the bread crumbs of the Stromboli.

“I do go out, just not on Friday nights.” She snapped. It was so easy to get her riled up. Easy and fun. And hilarious. The fire in her baby blue eyes was so adorable when she got angry.

“With who?” I said with raised eyebrows.

“Okay, so I don’t go out. So what’s your point?”

I shrugged and took a step closer to her and rested my hands on her waist. I pulled her close to me so that my lips were playing around her ear. “I didn’t have a point, sweet heart. But you’re really cute when you’re all pissed.” I pulled away from Tyler’s shocked, yet furious, body, winked, then walked away and out of the music store.


I know it's really small. But it's also an extra update. So it's kind of a compromise. (:

Hope you enjoy, it's always kind of weird for me to write in a guy's point of veiw, but I tried. 

Okay, bye <3

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