Chapter- 20

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I grinned as I began to sit up before the nurse gasped. “Oh, shoot. No, they said that there was something to give you. Oh! Yes, here it is.” She said, handing me a small, folded up piece of paper. When I opened it, the handwritten letters were soggy and blurry but readable.

“It was found with the boy when they found you at the mall.” The nurse said. “His room number is 403 when you’re ready.” And with that, she quickly scampered out of the room.

I was incredibly confused, but I read the small note anyway and was blown away by what I read:

Hey, Tyler.

Um, so I’m kind of sorry about what happened this morning. You know with the whole fighting thing. I should have just told you, but I was scared. Kind of. Just a little bit.

It’s a long story. You see, when you first came to town, like two years ago, I kind of really, really liked you. But you wouldn’t talk to me. I mean, now, I see why. With what happened to your brother right before you moved here. (Which I’m really sorry about. You don’t deserve that. Then again, nobody does.) But back then, I didn’t know that so I figured the best way to ignore what I felt was to be a jerk to you. And you made it really easy because you were bitchy, but in a really cute way. And that cute little fire in your eyes when your angry is adorable.

Anyway, that’s what I meant when I said that I didn’t want to mess it up this time. And I promise, I won’t. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you this in person, but I don’t do this mushy crap and I don’t think I could do it, honestly. But I’m trying. So maybe if you can, like, not be mad at me, I’ll meet you in the music store. Please?

Love (yeah, love. Because I love you. I really do.),

I wiped a tear away from my face and hoisted myself up off of the bed, grabbing the crutches and moving towards the closed hospital door.

The doubt was still bubbling at the pit of my stomach, telling me that this was just a joke, that I had actually killed Dyson at the mall a few days ago. Even as much as I tried to convince myself that he was alive, I couldn’t let myself believe it.

Just as I was about to walk in, a nurse came out of the room and her eyes immediately landed on me.

“Now, he doesn’t have his memory yet, but it should come back slowly within a few days.” She said.

“But he’s awake?” I asked excitedly.

She nodded and nudged towards the door that we were stopped in front of. Dropping my crutches, I swung the door open and ran into the room where Dyson was sitting up in a hospital bed and when the door opened, his eyes darted over to me.

“Tyler? What are-“ I cut him off as I ran across the room and into his arms as I sobbed, letting everything out.

“Oh my goodness, I thought I killed you too.” I cried into the fabric of his hospital gown.

I felt him awkwardly pat my back. “Uh, yeah, so, uh, what are you doing here again?” He asked.

I pulled away from him and wiped the tears away from my face with the back of my hand. “I, uh, I’m just glad that you’re okay.” I said, trying to keep my distance since he doesn’t remember anything.

“Why?” He drawled out. “You’re like, the last person that I expected here.”

“Yeah, well, you’ve missed a lot.” I said, my voice trembling..

“Like what?” He asked. “The only thing they’ll tell me is that I’m lucky to be alive.”

That just made tears start falling down my face again but I didn’t bother trying to wipe them away.

“Why are you crying?” He asked.

“I just really thought you were going to die.” I whimpered.

“I’m really confused.” He mumbled. “What the hell happened and why are you being all nice?”

“Maybe I can explain a few things.” A new voice piped. I spun around to see the Doctor standing there and watching both of us with a small smile. “When it was safe, the officers came to the mall to rescue you, but found both of your bodies in one of the stores with a busted window. Based on the medical reports, you were unconscious for about two hours before they found you. And without what you did to his head, he wouldn’t be alive right now. Tyler, you saved his life.”

“I-I-I… saved him?” I choked.

Dr. Ferris nodded. “Yes, ma’am. But when you hurt your ankle, you did a lot more damage when you were putting pressure on it.” After a short wave goodbye, he turned and walked out the door, closing it behind him.

“So can you tell me what happened now?” Dyson piped.

I spun around and went to sit on the edge of the bed but scolded myself in my head. No, Tyler. We aren’t a couple.

“That night, we were working the counter together, a snow storm came through. We got locked in the closet when everybody evacuated, but you knocked the door down. Unfortunately, it was too late and we were locked in the mall together.”

“Doesn’t that sound like a horrible movie or something?” Dyson asked with raised eyebrows.

“I know it does, just listen. So we were stuck there for seven days before we got freed. You hit your head when one of the windows busted so I put a Band- Aid on it and some ice before I passed out from all the blood and then I woke up here and you’re alive.”

“So you saved my life?”

I nodded slowly. “I guess so. And you saved mine.” I said, pulling my hair up and showing him the fresh scar from when I hit my head on the marble.

“Did I do that?” He asked, concerned.

“No, I fell.” I muttered softly.

Suddenly, Dyson broke out in a smirk. One of those perverted smirks that he used. “We had sex, didn’t we?”

“What? No!” I shrieked, my face burning red. “You’re such a-“

I was interrupted when the door swung open and Toni ran into the room. “Ah! You’re okay!” She squealed, running onto my arms. I hugged her back tightly. I talked to her earlier today on the phone and told her about everything but I haven’t seen her in a long time. I missed my best friend.

“I missed you.” I sighed as she pulled away, eyeing the boot on my ankle.

“I missed you too.” She looked over at Dyson and smiled sweetly. “Hey, Dyson.”

“Um, hi.” He said slowly. I laughed to myself, knowing that he didn’t know her name.

“Toni.” I told him.

“I knew that.” He scoffed.

“You guys are the cutest couple. I’ll leave, let you guys have some coupley time.”

“Toni!” I shrieked.

“What?” Dyson yelped at the same time.

Toni’s smile dropped. “Oh, you didn’t… awkward.” She mumbled before turning and hurrying out of the room.

I turned slowly to look at Dyson but I had no idea what to say. I wasn’t going to tell him that we were … together. He’d just remember when he remembered and things would be fine. But now, this is going to be awkward.


Every day uploads for a few days and then it's over :(

ALSO! I know this book is about to end and when it does, I'm going to start writing a new one. But I'm not sure which one because I have so many ideas. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEE go vote for your favorite- looking stories in my story called "My Futrue Stories", it's in the external link. Okay, thanks! :D

Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who votes and comments, it means so much to me that people are voting! 45 in teen fiction and 60 votes on the last chapter!!! 

Vote- Comment- Fan <3

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