Chapter- 21

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“We’re WHAT?!” Dyson nearly yelled.

“Okay, so I may have left out a little detail.” I said cheekily, sitting down in one of those uncomfortable hospital chairs.

“How on earth did that even happen?” He asked with raised eyebrows.

“Well, it’s kind of a long story and in a few days, you’ll remember it yourself.” I said quickly.

“Tell me now.” He defended.

“Okay, well, so at first we hated each other but then you kept making me food and you started caring about me-“

“I’ve always cared about you.” He said quietly, his eyes darting into mine, burning into my soul.

I don’t know why, but I started crying. I just lost it, any walls that I had up inside of me just fell down and I started bawling. 

“Uh, you don’t have to cry about it.” He said awkwardly. “Just finish the story at least.”

“Well so I started to kind of like you and then I told you something and you asked me out and then a flying snow globe put you in the hospital and then I crushed my ankle trying to help you and so here we are.” I said, wiping the rest of the tears from my face.

“Well I think that would be something that I would remember.”

“Oh, yes. Because this is just some sick joke and I made this whole thing up.” I bit sarcastically. “Then how do you explain this?” I took a few steps closer to him and handed him, with my trembling hands, the note that I read just before coming into the room.

He looked at it for a few confused seconds before his brows relaxed and his cheeks tinged red. “That’s, uh, awkward.” He muttered.

“It is right now, I guess because you don’t remember anything. They’re releasing me from the hospital soon, so I’m going to go because until you remember everything, this is just going to be one awkward mess.” I took the note from him and leaned down, kissing him on his soft cheek. I was also relieved to feel his normal warmth filling its rightful place back in his body. “Get better really fast, okay?”

“Wait, we’re dating and I don’t even get a real kiss?” He whined as I started walking back towards the door.

I chuckled and spun back around with a small smile on my face. “I’m not going to kiss you here.”

“And why not?” He demanded.

“There’s a lot of reasons.” I replied simply. “By the way, when you get out of here, we’re going on a real first date.”

“We supposedly just spent like, two weeks glued to each other, that isn’t enough?” He asked.

“No because all the food we had, you cooked.”

“Why didn’t you cook at all?”

I laughed. “Because I made grilled cheese once because I lost a bet and we both agreed that you should do the rest of the cooking so we didn’t die of food poisoning or something.”

He smirked. “Not so perfect after all.”

I sighed. “You have no idea.”

“I’m still having a hard time believing all of this. I mean, us dating is just the most insane idea.”

“I know.” I said truthfully and then I said something that I probably shouldn’t have said, but it just came out. I don’t know what happened or what possessed me to say it, I just said it like it was nothing. “Your dad didn’t come, did he?”

Had to be DysonWhere stories live. Discover now