Chapter- 19

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Beep… Beep… Beep…

I wrinkled my eyebrows at the pestering beeping sound that was ringing in my ears. However, I was incredibly exhausted and didn’t really care what the beeping sound was, I just wanted it to stop. I didn’t bother opening my eyes or even moving, Dyson will shut it off.

“Dyson.” I groaned. “Turn it off.”

After a few more seconds of the monotonous beeping, I let out an annoyed growl.

“Dyson, what the heck?” I hissed lazily into my pillow. That’s when I realized that it wasn’t as freezing cold in the mall as it was before. It was actually… normal. Comfortable. “Did the electricity come back on?” I asked Dyson who didn’t feel like answering me. Maybe he was still asleep or something. How could he be sleeping with this aggravating beeping sound, though?

When he didn’t answer me once again, I heaved a sigh, pushing myself up on my arms and jumped about a mile into the air when I saw that the bedding that I was laying on wasn’t the purple of my Macy’s bed, or the gray of Dyson’s. It was just plain white. So was the pillow and blankets.

In a panic, I turned so that I was laying on my back and looked around the room, it was all white. Everything, just white. Outside the small window of a light brown door, I could see people walking around in nurse uniforms. When I looked to my right, I could see a heavy duty, intimidating machine looking back at me, mocking me with it’s annoying beep.

A hospital. That’s where I was. But, why wasn’t I at the mall? How did we get rescued? The last thing that I remember was making my way through the mall to try and apologize to Dyson for exploding on him this morning.

But that didn’t matter right now. We’d been rescued! We’re out of the mall! It’s about frikkin’ time!!!

A grin spread on my lips until my eyes landed at the bottom of the hospital bed where my ankle was wrapped in a heavy black, bulky boot. My eyes widened at the boot and, like a huge, unforgiving brick wall, the memories of what had happened flowed through me. The mini snow storm in the Hallmark store and what had happened to Dyson. The blood, so much blood. Just the memory brought a queasy feeling into my stomach.

Before I could think about it anymore, I heard the door jiggle open and a middle aged man with graying hair and a white doctor’s coat walk into the room with a warm smile on his face.

“Hello, Miss. Morris.” He said quietly. “I’m Dr. Ferris.”

I wasn’t really sure what to say, so I just nodded an awkward hello, not even sure if my throat was capable of making any kind of audible sound.

“How are you feeling?” He asked, sitting on a wheelie chair beside the hospital bed that I was currently laying on.

I shrugged a sore shoulder… why was my shoulder sore? “Fine.” I said shortly. “Confused.” I added.

He nodded and started writing something down on his clip board of files. “What are you confused about?”

“Where’s Dyson?” I demanded randomly. “H-he’s okay, right?”

Dr. Ferris gave me a sympathetic smile. “Miss. Morris, your friend had a minor concussion, but-“

“No, there are no buts. He had a minor concussion and he’s okay so you can take me to go see him now.” I said with a worried, fake smile.

His smile faded. “I’m sorry, but you can’t see him right now.” He said quietly.

“And why not?” I demanded.

“Well, along with the concussion, he had a fracture in his arm and some internal bruising and a cracked rib. He’ll be alright, but he just got out of his last surgery and he won’t be awake for another few hours.”

I let out a sigh of relief. “He’s alive.”

He nodded even though I didn’t say it like a question. “You both will make full recoveries within a few months.”

I nodded, but I didn’t really feel all to relieved. I wouldn’t believe it until I saw him. I just needed to see him, to feel his warmth and to be in his arms again.

“Where’s my mom?” I asked suddenly.

“The storm hasn’t let up enough yet to get roads opened.”

I nodded. “Then how’d they get us out?” I questioned.

“When you make national news, you become a priority.” The doctor said with a sly smile on his face. “I’ll be in to check on you in a little while.” With a nod goodbye, he turned his back and walked out of the room.

I huffed and laid back in the bed but I couldn’t stop thinking about Dyson. I just wanted to see him. I had to see him. I would have fought to get out of the bed if there wasn’t a huge IV stuck in my arm. And I was smart enough not to question an IV and attempt to pull it out.

Instead of being rebellious, I decided to watch the news that was playing in an old TV in the corner of the room, hanging from the where the wall met the ceiling.

From watching the news, I’d found out that it’s been nine days since we got locked in the mall but from what the doctors are saying, they found us three days ago. Doing my math, I figured out that we were stuck in the mall for six full days. The news reporters had also informed me that roads should be cleared by tomorrow night, which was when my mom would be here. I knew that because I called her with the hospital phone. I dealt with a lot of happy crying, squealing, and sighs of relief along with getting caught up with her before hanging up. I didn’t realize how much I’d missed my mother and her voice until I hung up with her and now, I just felt alone again. With Dyson still not officially alive in my mind and my mom and Toni not able to see me until tomorrow night, I was alone.

After watching the news for another ten minutes, something came on that caught my attention.

“Oh, we have some good news.” The lady with long, straight brown hair piped.

“Tyler Morris and Dyson Becker, two North Winchester High students that were stuck in the North Winchester Mall at the beginning of the storm, have now been rescued. Both with minor injuries, they are fortunately expected to make full recoveries.” The man chirped.

I rolled my eyes and flicked the TV off. There was no way that I was going to deal with that crap right now.

I jumped when a nurse came into the room with a small smile on her face. “Are you feeling alright?” She asked.

I nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine, I guess.”

“Well, I have some good news.” She said, causing me to raise an eyebrow at her.

“What is it?” I asked eagerly.

Her smile widened just a bit. “Dyson just woke up.”


Surprise update!!!! Surprised?

Okay, so it's kind of almost over I think. And I have a deal kind of thing...

35 votes on this chapter and I'll update every day until the stories over (maybe two- fourish chapters?) But they'll probably be short, like this one.

Or it will just be Sundays and Wednesday like usual.

#55 in Teen Fiction, by the way!!!! <3

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