One, two. Three four five. Do you really think you'll make it out alive?

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Chapter Sixteen 

The moon was shining in the sky without a single cloud to block it, as Froststar suspected. StarClan feared him. Tonight is going to be fun, Sageweed growled hungrily in his mind. 

You bet. In the end, Coldrose, Shadeblossom, Poppyfeather, Larktalon, Thrushfeather, Pigeonwing, Pebbleleap, and Fernclaw volunteered to go with him. But also Firelily, Larktalon's mate, and Quickpaw and Silverpaw. That left just enough cats to guard camp.

Froststar already suspected he didn't have Honeyflower's full support. She was a very good soul, but not very brave. Froststar had a feeling she wouldn't be a problem, she'd keep quiet no matter what. Creekwater seemed stubbornly against him, but he'd be joining his mate Pineshadow in the elder's den soon. Plus, both his kits Pigeonwing and Pebbleleap were his supporters. Mossypelt seemed unsure, Froststar would make sure to spend time with him. He had no concerns about Flowerpaw, she just wanted to make sure Pigeonwing liked her and she was popular. She also just didn't seem interested in coming, same with Mousetuft. Cherrynose was a lot like Honeyflower, but she was her mother. Maybe her brother Fernclaw would influence her, but either way he would keep an eye on her.

What bothered him the most was his older sister, Ivyclaw. He had seen the anger in her eyes when he said they would raid ShadowClan camp. He hoped he wouldn't have to kill her. When the patrol reached ShadowClan territory, they slowed their jog and slipped soundlessly through the undergrowth, which wasn't as thick as ThunderClan's. The pine forest was dark and silent. Froststar could imagine them getting ready to sleep. Oh, what a surprise they're in for! Excitement pulsed through his veins, his blood circulating through his muscles.

This is only the beginning of death! Only the beginning of the murder! His mind sang. Because death itself didn't matter, it was the murder. The snap of bones and the gasps of pain, the shrieks of fear that echoed through your skull, pounding louder and louder, daring you to scream out your sins to the world and admit your deed, the blood flowing freely around your paws, threatening to lift you away and to a worser fate then you bestowed upon your victim. But Froststar, not him! He could kill all day without a care, because after he always got what he wanted. After all, that was the point of all his killing.

Froststar signaled for his patrol to slow until they reached a stop. There was only one cat on guard. It was a large dark tabby tom with a scar over his left eye. Froststar recognized him, he was Blackstreak. He wasn't all too dull, because he lifted his muzzle in the air and sniffed. "I smell ThunderClan," he murmured. Froststar flicked his tail, and Larktalon and Thrushfeather leaped at the same time, bowling him over and into a bramble bush. Thrushfeather slapped his tail over the tom's mouth the keep him from yowling.

Blackstreak bit down on it, and Thrushfeather hissed and reflexively yanked it away. Before Blackstreak could yowl a warning, Froststar leaped forward and scooped him up, then slammed his head on a rock. Blackstreak was knocked unconscious.

"Would you like me to climb that pine tree and look into their camp?" Quickpaw asked.

"Great idea," Froststar said. "I'll give you a boost." Quickpaw scrambled up the slick bark like a squirrel, and it was a few moments before she came back down.

"All clear. No one is out of their nest," she whispered.

"Good," Froststar whispered back. "Everyone, we want to get the kit and go. Try not to wake anyone." His patrol nodded, and Froststar led the way into camp. Treading carefully, he located the nursery by the scent of milk. He slowly eased his head inside, then his shoulders, as to not wake the queens or kits. He could make out the shapes of three Queens: Greenfrog, Puddleleaf, and Cloudheart. He just didn't know who was the mother of Fiercekit. There was a gasp from outside and Froststar heard Pigeonwing.

"Froststar! We have a-" his warning was cut off by yowls and screeches. The queens awoke immediately, recoiling in horror. Once they came to their senses they started hissing and spitting. Froststar slipped all the way into the nursery.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt your kits," he said, was the largest sneer he could muster. "I need back-up," he snapped, and after a few heart-beats Shadeblossom and Coldrose appeared.

"We don't have a lot of time," Coldrose said.

"I'll make time," Froststar growled, slinking closer to the queens and kits. The retreated, hugging their kits close.

"Kit-stealer!" Cloudheart spat- a white and gray she-cat. "You took Sparrowkit!"

"Me? Oh no, Bloodkit came to us," he said. At the mention of her new name, Cloudheart let out a moan.

"What have you done to my kit?"

Froststar sneered. "Don't worry, she's perfectly fine, snug in the nursery waiting for her apprenticeship as a loyal ThunderClan warrior."

"My kit would never betray her Clan!" Cloudheart snarled, but doubt flickered in her eyes.

"And that's precisely why I'm here. Bloodkit told me of another kit who'd be worthy of joining ThunderClan. Which one of you is Fiercekit?" A golden-brown she-kit with a white chin and a flash of it on her chest and ice-blue eyes popped out from behind Puddleleaf.

"That's me," she said. She looked to be about four moons.

"You'll never have my kit," Puddleleaf hissed, back arched and claws extended. Froststar chuckled darkly.

"Oh, but I will." He leaped forward, grabbing her neck and pressing his teeth to it. She gasped, flailing in terror, but a slight bite from Froststar made her stop. The queens looked horrified. "If one of you dare moves, my two warriors will kill her and tear your kits to shreds," he said, dropping Puddleleaf and pressing his claws to her neck. "Is that understood?" They were too terrified to answer.

Froststar flicked his tail at Coldrose, who hesitated a brief heart-beat before she picked up Fiercekit. The kit didn't struggle, she just looked mildly curious. "Take me too!" Froststar looked over to see a dark brown tom-kit with green eyes and a white chest and paws. "You took my sister, take me as well. I'm not afraid!" Cloudheart gasped in horror and tried to grab her kit, but Shadeblossom had already scooped her up.

"Marshkit! No!" Cloudheart wailed, but it turned into a yowl. She crouched to jump at Froststar, but his claws pressing into Puddleleaf's throat and making her bleed stopped her. Froststar glared at her, and she sunk back into her nest with a whimper.

"Froststar! We're being pushed back!" Larktalon yowled, sticking his head into the nursery.

"Then go, we have what we need," Froststar said. Shadeblossom and Coldrose scrambled after him with the kits swinging from their jaws. He turned to Cloudheart. "You have two more kits. You'll be fine." Then, blood roaring in his ears, Froststar slammed down on Puddleleaf's neck in just the right spot, breaking it. 


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