Thirty-eight- two, four, six, eight. Sadly this will be your bloody fate.

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Whoa. Did Tigris just update AGAIN?? After not updating for two months??? Yes. Yes she did. 

Froststar yowled with joy, finally giving in to his true, bloody, nature. Chaos had erupted in RiverClan camp, cats fighting to the death.

Froststar! Stop! Sageweed was suddenly in front of him. 

"What?" he snarled.

"You have to retreat," she stated.

"What? No! We're winning!"

"That was not the point, Froststar! If we keep going, more of our warriors will die!" That sentence finally struck home.

"Dead? How many?" Froststar gasped.

"Too many," Sageweed hissed, lip curling. "We cannot loose another. We've been weakened enough by this. We still have SkyClan to deal with!"

"SkyClan's fine! Barkstar has a broken bone, that'll take awhile to heal."

"But what if he dies? What if Featherfern receives nine lives? Hmm? Did you think of that, you mouse-brain? Everything we have done was for a purpose. We planned for every obstacle, every inconvenience,  do you want to screw it up now?" she spat. Froststar shook his head. He hated to admit it, but Sageweed was right. Like always.

"That's what I thought. Call ThunderClan to retreat."

Froststar paused for a heartbeat, staring at his surroundings. He wanted to finish this. To shred every last RiverClan warrior. But the whole point of this was to ensure ThunderClan's future, and he can't do that if so many of them are dead.

But the bloodthirsty sensation was so powerful, boiling up inside him, filling every whisker-length of his body, rushing through his veins. Fight, kill. Fight, kill, it said. It seeped into his brain, telling him, telling him he needed to continue, just one more scream one more shriek of pain. Then he'd be done, then it could end. But Froststar knew, if he kept going, he would never stop.

"THUNDERCLAN!" Froststar boomed over the yowling. "STOP!" The dark forest cats got it immediately. They disappeared in a blink. Some of his Clan mates yowled in protest, but one look from him silenced them. Suddenly, the battle field was quiet. All eyes turned to him, wondering what he would do next. Froststar's eyes locked with Wavestar's. She was standing over the bloodied corpse of an apprentice. "You put up a good fight, Wavestar. But I hope your Clan has learned their lesson. I rule the forest. You will stay in this camp. If my warriors catch you out we will kill you. We will tell you where to hunt. When to hunt. When to teach your apprentices. We rule you now. If we want something, we will take it, and you will let us have it. And if you don't," Froststar grinned, displaying bloody fangs. "You know what happens."

Wavestar looked up at him, with so much venom and hatred in her eyes. "Get. Out," she snarled. Froststar just shrugged his shoulders, turning around with a flick of his tail. Coldrose padded up next to him, bleeding from multiple wounds.

"You're in charge of the wounded, and the dead." She nodded, and turned away. Froststar slowly padded out of the camp, his warriors shuffling along behind him. You're winning. The voice whispered in his head. And it's wasn't Sageweed. You're winning.


Silverspark noticed something different about Quickflash. The look in her eyes was something that Silverspark had never seen in her sister before, when Froststar said he was giving her a special task.

It was a sort of hunger. Yes, that was the look. She was probably just excited. Yes, I'm just overthinking this. The battle with SkyClan had left her both physically and mentally exhausted. She lay a few mouse-lengths from Nightpaw, who was cleaning some nasty looking claw-marks on her belly.

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