Chapter Eight

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That night, I lay wide awake inside of my hotel room staring at the wall. Although Cassie's words had been a comfort, it still didn't change the fact that Kayleigh was missing and no one seemed to be doing a damn thing about it. I glanced at the clock and realized it was now 1AM. I'd been trying to fall asleep since 9:30.

Sighing, I climbed out of bed, threw on a hoodie, skinny jeans, and a hat. I grabbed my car keys, my cell phone and left the hotel room without even waking my mother. I rode the elevator to the empty lobby. I walked through the glass doors and out to my Jeep.I hopped in the car and started driving.I had no idea where I was going and honestly, there was nothing to do in Melbourne at one in the morning.

I drove until I found myself in my mother's boyfriend, Aaron's driveway. I climbed out of my car and walked over to the front door. Wondering if I'd lost my mind, I knocked on the door. Just when I was about to turn and walk away, the door opened to reveal Cassie dressed in pink satin pajamas and pink socks.

"Justin?" She asked. "What're you doing here?"

I stood there flabbergasted. I opened and closed my mouth, but no words came. Honestly, I had no idea why I was here. She simply smiled at me and gestured for me to enter the house. I stepped inside and looked around. The house was three stories and resembled the traditional family home. It was warm and cozy, but sensible. I followed Cassie into the kitchen where she placed to mugs of water into the microwave and watched her move around the kitchen. I'm not sure if it's the fact it was one in the morning and I was half-crazy, but I saw something in her that I hadn't seen before.

The kindness in her tone, although, I'd woken her up in the middle of the night, her sweet hospitable nature. The way her pink satin pajamas flowed behind her, caused her to resemble a fairy. I could see her being a pastor's wife someday. She placed the tea and sugar on a tray and led me into the family room.

"I hope you like raspberry tea." She said as she sat the bags in the tea cups.

I simply nodded as my eyes fell on her perfect pink lips.

"I'm sorry for bothering you." I said. "I just..."

"Couldn't sleep?" She finished for me. "It's fine. Besides, Uncle Aaron's at the hospital praying for one of the kids at his youth group that has Leukemia. This place gets pretty creepy when you're home alone."

She opened up the little porcelain container that contained sugar cubes.

"Do you like one or two?" She questioned.

"Five." I said with a crooked grin. "If that's not too greedy."

She laughed, "I always get five too. The secret is you discreetly keep adding them."

I chuckled as she handed me the cup.

"So, tell me, what's on your mind?" she asked as she took a sip.

Once again, my eyes landed on her mouth.

"Huh?" I asked realizing she was talking to me.

She giggled softly. She must think I'm a complete lunatic. First, I knocked on her door in the middle of the night and now I was acting like a blubbering fool.

"You miss Kayleigh, don't you?" She asked.

I made sure I listened this time.

"I just wish I knew she was safe." I sighed.

She nodded her understanding.

"And the thought that Colby is hurting scares me, a lot." I admitted. "I feel as if it's somehow my fault—that I should have seen it. After all, I've always been the one who could read her like a book. This time I failed and it hurts."

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