the red eye demon part 1

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Y/n POV:

I woke up to feel arms around me. It felt weird so I turned to see sal. I saw that he took his mask off, but I couldn't see his face that well. I felt my face to see my mask was gone. I guess that maybe sal put it up so I don't break it. I didn't want to wake up sal, so I just layed there till I heard a yawn.

" morning sleepy head" I said smiling

"Good morning..." Sal said a little sleepy

" I think I should get back to my apt before Larry starts thinking bad things"

" ya...alright, it was fun hanging out with you"

I smiled and got up. I grab my mask and walk out. I was quiet to not wake henry up. I soon went back to my apt to see Larry sitting in front of the door smirking.

"Larry....." I said a little worried

" did you do it..." He ask

" do what"

" did you too fuck"


I punch him hard and went to get an apple. Larry still sat on the chair turning to look àt me

" then why did you take so long to come home." Larry said smiling

" cuz, I fell asleep." I said and walk to our room. I sat on the bed. I do like sal....but do I really like him. I does feel weird to love again. My ex-boyfriend Bob was the only love I got. After I found out he was cheating on me, I didn't feel love again. I did feel others, just not love. Then sal came and change me (sounds like yandare simulator) I went and turned on the TV. I went and turned on rick and Morty. I was alone for a little bit till Larry came in and watch it with me. Me and Larry love rick and Morty. Then I felt as if I was being watch. And I knew for sure Larry wasn't looking at me. I soon heard a deep voice say:

" i will soon open the box, and soon take you. I will be powerful" then it disappeared. It felt so weird. I needed a bath, so I went to the bathroom and turned on the hot water. I took off my mask and started to take my outfit off. I sat in the water. Then I heard Larry on the other side of the door

" yo sis, sals here, do u want me to tell him your in the tub"

" don't you think he can hear you dipshit" I said back

" oh....didn't think of that"

I giggled. I love my brother very much, even if hes stupid. I got out and dried myself off and put back on my outfit. I walk out and saw sal and Larry watching rick and Morty. I giggled

" I so ship it" I said

They both turned to me and I laugh. I sat down with Larry and sal by my side. I didn't feel too good, and sal and Larry smelled like death. It smelled so weird. I closed my eyes and the smell was gone. I opened my eyes to see that they were gone. I heard the door open and there was Larry and sal laughing, till they saw me.

Sal POV:

I took Larry to see Megan. He look scared, more scares then y/n. When we got back, we saw y/n sitting on the couch. I saw some fear in her eyes.

" hey, you OK" I asked

" y-you two w-were here" she said studdering.

" no, me and sal were talking to Megan. I told you when you went to the bathroom. " Larry said

" s-so....your telling me, t-that you were not sitting down on the couch" she asked. We both shook our heads. I saw y/n's eyes grew wide.

( don't worry, I'll do a part two for this. But I do have to end. I'll see you next time. Byee

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