The girl in the red Cape

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I happily went to check my locker. Instead of one, I found two notes. I opened one.

Dear Clary,
I know this is a personal question....but what exactly did he do to you?did he do anything?
I care about you, I know you might think it's weird or creepy. I just do, I don't want anything or anyone to hurt you. Anyways, on a lighter note, I would like to know more about you. What do you do in your free time? What's your favorite color? Favorite class? Who do you think I am?

Yours truly,

I blush and grin at the note. I loved these notes. It showed that someone actually cared and I needed that. I open the second one excitedly.

Dear Bitch,
You have a big ass secret....I will uncover it Clarissa. I know what you were doing in Lake Trixy last Friday night. If you don't do exactly what I say bitch, your secret will spread like wild fire. You might not care, but just a word, your little anonymous guy is here....and he'll leave you if he knows about this...

So here's what you need to do you slut.

1.Stop writing notes to anonymus.

2.Throw all the rest of the notes anonymus gives you in the trash when you revive them.

3. Get back with your asshole ex Sebastian.

Have fun being forced to screw him. If I don't see changes in the next 48 hours.... secret's our bitch.

Have fun bitch,
The girl in the red cape.

My excitement quickly disappears. He can't find out. If he finds out what happened in trixy.....he won't talk to me ever again.

    I go to the plant, I don't see a note. I frown, I grab a piece of paper and scribble on it.

Dear Clary,
This may be annoying, but I wanted to ask why you haven't responded....take your time if you want, I Just want to know if you're ok
Yours truly,

   I leave it in her locker and leave.

     The next day I watch her open the locker. She sees my note and her eyes light up. She grabs the note as if she wanted to open it. Instead she threw it to the trash. I felt pain go through me. She didn't even bother to read it...did I say something wrong? What did I do? How the hell did I screw up???
      It's been a week. I leave her two pieces of papers every day. I pour my heart into those notes. And she keeps throwing them away. It hurts that she doesn't even want to read them. I had the notes in my hand, I was about to put them inside her locker. What's the point? I sigh. I open up the pieces of paper. I look at the letter.

Dear Clary,

I'm sorry if I did something wrong, please forgive me! I.....I'm in love with you

    I look at the words in disgust. The same words she's thrown to the trash I rip the papers to shreds and dump them in the garbage. Right were they belong.

TEST ME AGAIN Panda444444 !!!!!!!!!

MUA Hahahah hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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