Sweet like Candy

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A/N: I haven't read your chapter for March first......but you don't deserve candy from what I've read in your stories Panda444444 !!!!

Uh, no but in all seriousness we are in a Clace Fanfic drought so if you want to check out more books go see Panda444444  she has two.

Clace (Liberty High school)

Jace, a single teenage father

They are amazing go check them out!!!!!!!

I love bueberries!!!!!! 😛😛😛😝😝😝

You'll get that if you read Jace, a single teenage father!

     I look at Jace in shock. "I mean.... don't blame yourself" He says turning away. I could've sworn he had a light blush on his cheek. Probably just the cold. Speaking of, I shivered. Jace looks at me. "Are you cold?" He asks.
     "I'm fine" I say. Sometimes Sebastian would ask that.

Sebastian and I were outside, he made me wear a small light dress when it was freezing. I was shivering and shuddering, my teeth clattered against each other. "Are you cold?" He asks. I internally roll my eyes. Nooo, I'm just shaking for exercise.
      "Yes" I say expecting him to take of his jacket and give it to me.
       "Aw, WELL THATS TOO BAD ISN'T IT?!" He starts howling with laughter. I sigh and keep shuddering


       Jace takes off his Jacket and puts it on my shoulders. I stopped shuddering and looked at him, blushing. It's his leatherman jacket, don't you give those to your girlfriend or something? I bite my lip. "You're not the only one though" He says. My head snaps towards his.
"What?" I ask.
"I-.....there's this girl....She's amazing, and beautiful and smart, I just.....I've talked to her, but she....I'm not sure she notices me." Jace says. I feel my stomach twist lightly.
"Well, even though I don't know her, I can tell you she's an idiot, you're an amazing friend, you're probably an amazing boyfriend too" I say. He smiles sadly at me.
"Right" he whispers. "You wanna go home?" Jace asks. I nod. He gets up and walks me to the car. He drives me home. I stand outside the door with him. "I had fun tonight, I don't know about you, but I did" He says. I smile.
          "Yeah, I had fun" I whisper. We were so close together. I thought he was about to kiss me. I close my eyes. But instead of feeling lips crash against mine, I feel cold air. I open my eyes and see Jace getting into his car he then drives off. I let out a breath. Why did I close my eyes? I like Anonymous, not Jace. Why did he leave? Why did my stomach twist when he mentioned another girl? And why did I want him to kiss me so badly? I push the questions back. I open the door and see my mother. She looked tiered, she had no make up on, she looked stressed and sad and angry.
      "Hey!" My mom says as her eyes light up. "How are you baby? Was that your boyfriend? Sebastian right?" She asks. My face turns red.       

        "No, that wasn't Sebastian.....I broke up with Sebastian....that was Jace....and he's not my boyfriend" I say. "What's wrong?" I ask. My mom tears up.
        "Oh it's nothing" she says her voice pitch rising. "Don't worry about it baby" her voice cracks.
         "Mom" I say. She bites her lip.
          "Your dad moved here, he's now battling for your custody" My mom says. My jaw drops.

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