You can't spill strength

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     I walk inside the school. I see everyone there. Murmuring about me. I ignore them and go to my locker. I look up. Suicidal Bitch. I rip the paper out roughly. I open the locker and see a note.

Dear Clary,
You're right, I don't want anything to do with you. Maybe you should go to a mental're fucking crazy. Did you really think I gave a shit about you? Well I don't... honestly, maybe if you weren't so pathetic, you would've succeeded at one thing in your god-dammed life! Go kill yourself pig.
Yours truly,

P.S don't ever write me again

   I feel tears cloud my eyes. No, Anonymous is a sweet guy, he wouldn't do this to me. I can hear the laughs. I feel sick, how can the only person who I keep getting dizzy. I bite my lip. I crumple the paper up and throw it on the ground. I slam my locker and go to the girls bathroom. "Freak" one of them said.
     "Slut" another said
      "You seriously thought he would like you?" I opened the stall and cried.  Why did I date Sebastian?!

    Clary's eyes were filled with tears. Tears of joy? She crumples my note up and throws it to the ground. I go and pick it up. I read it. This isn't mine.... fuck. I scribble another note. 

Dear  Clary,
Listen I'm sorry, that note wasn't mine, you have to believe me......I sent Jace Herondale to you, he will help you, because I can't. I'm sorry Clary....I love you

Yours truly,

     I wait outside the girls bathroom. Finally Clary comes out. Her eyes were puffy.  I give her the note. She grabs it and reads it. "Who gave you this?" Clary asks.
       "Found it in my locker" I lie. "Anyways... what do you want to do?" I ask.
          "What?" She asks. 
          "Well, apparently I'm supposed to take care of how do we do this?" I ask. Clary stays quiet.
            "I barely know you" Clary says. That makes me die a little.
             "Well, Do you trust him?" I ask she nods. "Then you should trust me" I say. I grab her hand lightly, it sends electric shocks up my arm. "C'mon, let's get to class" I say.
School has ended, I took Clary to a carnival. She asked why. "Why? Because it's a carnival! I'll buy you whatever you want!" I grin. She smiles at me sweetly. I buy her cotton candy and give it to her. She smiles and grabs a piece.
    "So, you're telling me, that the only reason you're here is because of a note?!" Clary asks.
      "Yes, I also think you're kinda cool....." I explain.
        "Kinda? I'm the definition of cool!" Clary says.
         "Wow....and they say I'm cocky" I bump my shoulder with hers sending shocks again. Does she not feel that?! She giggles and gives me some cotton candy.

     "No! No STOPPPPP" Clary yells.
     "NEVER!!!!" I say, I was lifting Clary up piggyback style. It's been four hours and I have never been closer to someone. Finally I put her down. We were so close together if she moved slightly we would kiss. I was in a daze as I waited for her to make the next move.
          "Well, that was fun" Clary says as she pulls away. I felt dizzy, as if you had taken glasses away from a nerd, or a book from a fan girl. I smile at Clary, and she smiles back.

A/N: Ok, so....I just want to say that I do have other stories, some are complete some are not.  I just want you to know if some maybe good stories you may or may like that are mine.....

NeRds (complete)

There are a lot of Fanfictions out there of TMI High school's. Clary being the ugly nerd and Jace the hot and popular guy. How do you feel about a role reverse ?

Forgive me???(incomplete(working on it))
Jace and Clary have two little girls. Two year old Celine and one year old Jocelyn, when a powerful warlock named Johan tells Jace he has two choices. one divorce Clary. Or two die and have Clary think Jace hated his family that much to end his own life.Jace, not wanting his family to ever have to make a decision this hard ever again makes a deal. The deal was that Johan would never terorize his offsprings or their mate ever again and give them protection. Johan loves making deals, so he  agrees. Clary devestated with Jace divorcing her runs away to london. ( not the institute) with her little girls. later she finds out she was pregnant with twins. will Clary go back to Jace....will his kids forgive him?


The pointless adventures of Jace and Simon (pointless one shots I wrote(NO JIMON 🤮) (actually I rant about Jimon lol))

Hey these are one shots of Jace and Simon going on adventures (Sizzy and Clace NO JIMON!!!!)

Anonymous (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now