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Have fun....Panda444444
     Clary didn't come to school today. Not that I should even care...I sigh and close my locker. "Did you hear? She's a freak" I hear a girl say. I finally realize the murmurs. I strained to listen. I gave up and went to Alec's locker.  Everyone was there.
         "This is sick! It's so fucking sick" Alec says. "Look at them, talking about this as if Beyoncé's Nudes were leaked!"
            "You've been spending WAY too much time with Magnus" I laugh. "Anyways, why are you so mad?" I ask. Alec raises his eyebrows.
             "Did you not hear...anything?" Jordan asks.
              "Hear what?" I ask.
              "Like, three weeks ago on Friday Clary Fray tried to kill herself. Reason is unknown... some  bitch put flyers about it in every locker" Jordan says. He hands me the flyer.

Dear Jaguars, (mascot of the school)
I would like to inform you that on February  the 17th a student from Eastern high (the school) attempted suicide on Lake Trixy, you may know her as bubbly Clary Fray. I guess we all have our demons, and maybe bubbles just cover us and protect us from the world. Sadly bubbles are flimsy and easy to break through. Aren't they? fray?
Your friend,
The Girl In The Red Cloak

     Clary attempted suicide... I felt sick. "I need to leave" I explain. I run out of the school. I see a flash of white. I stop. It was the plant. I take the note and read it.

Dear Anonymous,
You probably won't find this note...But if you do, know that I do care. And I am extremely sorry for what I did. I never threw your cards away. They're too precious to me. I'm sorry I hurt you. You will probably hate me forever after I tell you this, but you need to learn the truth. The girl in the red cloak. You may or may not know who that is..she will spill something I regret because I wrote you this note, she told me to stay away from you, she was the one who saved me in Trixy. I don't know who this person is, she's anonymous, like you. So, my dear Anonymous, I want to tell you what really happened in Trixy. Sebastian almost raped me......he did then left me in lake Trixy naked...I saw the girl, but didn't think much of it. I felt disgusted with myself, I had no one to call nor lean on. So I just....tried.i understand if you want nothing to do with me. But I wanted you to know that I care for you....and.... the notes mean a lot, no one can take how much they mean to me....


I face palm myself at the end of it. I carefully hold it up to my nose and smelled it. The cards I had had stopped smelling like Clary, and I missed her. I smell the cars, but instead of fruit I smell tears. I shove the letter into my pocket. I grab paper and start writing.

Dear Clary,

Anonymous (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now