// Jess and Adam's Capture \\

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// Jess' Pov //

It was a fine Spring day, my parents where out, I was chilling on the grass in the park. I wonder when I can go to Katelyn's, haven't seen her in forever. "Heya Aph." My friend Adam said. "Hi Adam!" I replied. "Sooo. Whatcha doin Aph!" He said. He just calls me Aphmau, or Aph, because it's my middle name. There are to many Jess' around here. "Just sittin, what you doin?" I said. "I just wanted to say hi. I saw you over here, and couldn't pass up seeing you!" He said. We both giggled for a moment, then about 5 men came from the forest of trees. Looking at Adam and I. We shared a glance, as the men walked for us. "Hello. Do you want a ride home? Both of you? Come on." The largest man said. "No thanks..." Adam and I said in unison.

All of a sudden, I felt something hard hit my head. My vision was going black, all I could see was Adam getting hit till passing out. All my 6 year old brain could see was black.

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