// Trapped Training //

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Sorry if this chapter is cringy, odd, fast, and has really bad grammar and spellings because...I'm not normal. Ok, and I don't really have a good plot, and I need to get a chapter out. So, sorry if this is shorter than usual. And a lot later than my schedule... Boiiiiiii!!!!

// Max's Pov //

Jess and I were walking back to the dorm- er- room - er, I don't know what it is! But we were walking back, and I saw Adam, Cory, and Shelby. "Oh! Hi guys!" Shelby said, running up to us. "Hoiiii!" Jess screeched. God my ears. "Shumpie! Wait uppppp!" Adam said, trying to keep up beside Cory. "Hi. Does anybody know where Ross is? I mean, I thought he was with you guys." Cory said. Crap, I have to find Ross! "*Sigh*...lets go find Ross. It shouldn't be too hard to find him." I said.

We were all walking and looking for Ross for awhile, when I saw him on a bench. Didn't even know we had benches. And he's asleep. Great! "I got dis." Adam said, confidently. He walked up to Ross, and yelled "WHEEEEZZZYYYYYY!!" in his ears. He woke up immediately. "I got him to wa---" Adam started, then Ross yelled "AAAHHH" knocking him straight in the nose. "OWW ROSS WHAT THE HECK?" Adam said, in pain. I just laughed, so did everyone else. "I have delayed reflexes!" Ross said. Shelby and I are just laughing, everyone else was just staring now, "Inside joke." Shelby said. Then we started walking back to our 'place'.

// Adam's Pov //

Why did Ross hit me? I did scream in his ear, but he hit me in the nose! "My nose hurts..." "MY EARS HURT." Ok. Then as if Author~Chan couldn't think of anything else to do, we appeared at our 'place thing'. We walked in, to see stuff like furniture (Hehe, FURniture. Ok Bai) pillows, and blankets set around everywhere. And a single box. Cool. Jess took a running start, then jumped on the couch. She bounced, and landed on the floor. "Oww..." We just laughed. Cory went over to open the box. It had some clothes. The clothes had out certain names on them. The box had a sticker of some sort, and said, "Put these on.", so we did. We ran into our rooms, and put them on. Mine was cool. The outfit was black, with black shoes.

I got out of my room, and I saw everyone else in theirs. The girls were sorta different. Same colors, and a little bit different style.

All the girls had their hair in a ponytail, which is the two. "These are kinda comfy I guess..." Max said. "Yea!" Yipped Shumpie. We all just talked about the outfits for a little bit. After awhile of talking and such, we went to bed.

Time skippy~~~~~~~~ • <--- random dot of the day(s).

Morning. I was never really a morning person, but I have to get up, at least what the clock says, 7:00. Ughhh. We didn't get a breakfast, and I'm hungry! We just get lunch and some dinner. It sucked. Anyway, I put on the little 'uniform', got down from my 'containment center', and saw everyone else in theirs. Again. "Alright are we gonna wait? Or what?" Max said, breaking the silence. "I don't know." The rest of us replied. So, we just talked for awhile. After about 5 minutes, the people/guard things got us.(Like ANIMALS. Hehe) "Alright. Come on already." One man said. We all did so in silence. Once somebody tried to talk, a person shushed them. This place is really weird.

// Jess' Pov //

We walked in silence. I tried reading the people's minds just for fun, but anytime I connected, the looked at me coldly, blocking my connection. Weird...anyway, wherever we were going, we're here. It's 6 rooms. Each one bigger or smaller than the rest. "Get in. Only 1 of you in each." The middle man (that sounds cool) said. Ross looked most nervous. Max and Shelby looked worried for Ross. I don't know why.

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