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// Adam's Pov //

It was very dark, in a prison like cell. Lots of science equipment around me. I heard a scream and maniacal laughter. I'm starting to get scared. I need to get out, but, I'm strapped to a chair. Finally, a person comes up to the cell. They don't say anything, they just open it, then come inside. I growl at them, and they ignore. "What are you doing to me and my friends!?" I yelled. No response. I tried to wiggle my fingers free, but no use. Soon, the silence turned into sadistic, maniacal laughter. Then there was a syringe in my arm. Blood dripping, screams of pain and sorrow, all from me.


// Jess' Pov //

I was strapped to a chair. All I can move are my fingers, head, and feet. It's very dark, I'm in a cell like thing, but with odd things on a small table. Then a person comes from outside the cell. They come inside, and came toward me. "What do you want." I said, trying to be calm. No answer. I tried to shift my body away from them, but it was too late. They just had muffled laughter. They jabbed a syringe in my arm. The pain just kept getting worse. Blood drizzled down my arm, and screams of pain went down the hall.


// Shelby's Pov //

It was really, really dark. All I could see was bars in front of me, and equipment. I was strapped to a chair. I didn't try to move, I know I won't be able to leave. So why waste the energy? But a person came from the shadows, arousing me from my thoughts. I heard a small giggle, then the walked around me, to sit in a small chair beside me. I whimpered, knowing what they might do. Before I could think anymore, a syringe dug into my arm. I screeched in pain. Blood surrounded to syringe. I cried in pain, then all I saw was 1 thing.


// Cory's Pov //

I was in some sort of cell. It was dark, and had sorts of medical equipment, I felt I could see a little more and more every breath, then it went dizzy and hazy again. When it stopped, I was greeted by a person in front of me. Their glare gave me shivers. I couldn't tell if it was male or female. Next they just went beside me, and laughed. Laughed like my father would when he hurt me. Sadisticly, painfully, and awfully. Then, a syringe crammed into my arm. I held back a scream. My vision was blacking out more and more, to the sound of mournful laughing. Soon,the 1 color around me was just a single thing.


// Max's Pov //

I'm in a dark cell, odd items, and strapped to a chair. No movement, except for my head and fingers. I cringed of the sound of pattering footsteps. Soon, a person just stood in front of the cell, smiling. Then muffled laughter started, then entering the cell. They didn't say a word. Neither did I. We stared at each other for a moment, before more laughter and a larger grin appeared on there face. They ran to the things, grabbed something, and stabbed me with, what turned out to be, a syringe. Pain filled my body. Heat melted me. All the good breath left my body. Leaving me, with coughing up blood and holding back screams. Then color left my sight.


// Ross' Pov //

I'm in a cell, sobbing. The equipment around me scared me. The room was dusty. Even some bloody 'HELP' signs on the wall. Which scared me more. Then a person came towards the cell bars. A small smile spread on their face. They entered, and said "This will be quick and painful." Tears started falling down my face. I don't want to die! I don't want anyone to die! Their smile was bigger. A syringe jabbed me. I froze. I felt like the light was coming closer and closer. I held on to reality. Pushing out pain. Forcing tears and blood to mix, making there smile turn into bittersweet grin. I saw 1 thing after a second.

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