// Cory's Capture \\

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// Cory's Pov //

It was alright outside, nothing happening. Till my dad came outside, sadly, with a knife. He was not my real father, but a adopted father. The words to describe him, sadistic, depressing, and just mean. My mom died when I was 4, I'm 7 now. But, he dragged me inside, then he grabbed my wrist, and sliced a clean cut there. I was unamused and unaffected by it at this point. I still cringed a bit, but no real action. My 'father' growled and said "Why don't you feel the pain!" I just shrugged, worried on the inside he would make it hurt.

But then, about 7 men came through the door, shooting my 'father' down. I couldn't tell if I was happy or sad. Seeing as I got hit with something. I stayed strong. I'm not going down easy. I got hit again with something bigger. That got me. I fainted. Black. All I remember after that was the feeling of being picked up. Black.

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