// Max's Capture \\

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// Max's Pov //

It was really great outside. My parents are on a business trip with Ross' parents. I'm going to his house anyway. My 7 year old mind was dreaming of things to do, when I ran into a wall. Wow. That's embarrassing. I hit the wall, angry like. I walked off, angry. I'm still angry. But now my face had a small bruise, surprisingly, enough to hurt. Meh. Ross will help.

I was just thinking that, when about 4 men walked in front of me. I smiled, to show respect, seeing as they looked like government agents and such, and went around. They stopped me again. I repeated as well. But this time I ran. I heard a sigh right before I actually got away, and felt something sharp in my arm. A fricking tranquilizing dart!? I tried to get it out, then I fell on the ground. Still awake, but more pain. I eventually got it out, but fainted when I got it. Black.

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