// Meetings \\

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// 3rd person Pov //

As Jess, Adam, Ross, Shelby, Cory, and Max rode in the back of a large black van, Jess started to wake up. Frightened, she woke up Adam first. "Nooo. Mom 5 more minutes!" He whispered yelled. "Adam! We aren't home! We're in a car I think." Jess also whisper yelled. Adam looked confused and upset. "What?!" He said. Jess just nodded, as Cory woke up. "Hey!" Why did you take me!" Cory whisper yelled. " Jess and Adam just shook their heads violently, and said 'No no no!" Please we have been taken like you! I think." He looked confused, and said "Sorry." Adam just shrugged, Jess nodded forgivingly.

// Shelby' Pov //

I started to wake up, I'm happy I'm waking up. Hopefully Ross is waking up. When I came to my senses, I saw 3 people staring at me. "Hi?" I said. "Are you captured too!" I continued. They just nodded. The brown haired boy with sunglasses and black haired girl just looked worried and sad, while the other boy with dirty blonde, who had a camera mask, just looked calm, and a little worried. I caught sight of more people, still asleep. Then I saw Ross. I started to shake him violently. "Stop! Your going to hurt him." The other girl said. Ok, he was waking up anyways. "Where am I? Shelbs, what's goin on?" Ross said. I smiled, not answering, giving me a confused look from Ross.

But out of the corner of my eye, the last person asleep, was Max? I guess Ross saw him too, and scooted to him, to poke enough times, and hard enough for him to wake up. He woke up, then hit his head on the top of the car. "Ow!" He said. "Wha----" he was cut off by the car stopping.

// Adam's Pov //

Suddenly, before the boy redhead could say anything, the van, or car thing, stopped. Jess looked scared and said "Pretend to be asleep!" We all just did it without thought. They came to pick us up fast. They put us in small, iron cages. I was able to get a glimpse of the girl redhead getting in a cage thing with the dirty blonde boy, the boy with fuzzy darkish brown hair getting paired with the male redhead, and I got paired with Jess. At least I'm with a friend, in this odd situation.

In a while, they finally opened up the cage things. Jess crawled out first. And then I did. We both stretched in unison. Then the redhead girl crawled out, then came the blonde boy with a mask. At last, the final 2 people came out. The brown hair ran to the corner of the almost blank, white rooms. "Stay." The man said. He said as if we were animals though.

// Cory' Pov //

"Stay." A man said. He left in an instant. Now we are in a room. No windows, just a white room with little cubbies large enough to fit about 3 people in just 1, and some mirrors. The brown haired boy with sunglasses just looked at the cubbies, the black haired girl joined him, the other brown haired boy and redhead male where snuggled up in a corner, and the female redhead just stood there. I guess taking it all in.

I touched the door, trying to find a weak spot. I refuse to be stuck in here. "Alright, we're here now. Why? Do any of you know? Or does Author~Chan want us to suffer?" The black hair girl started 'Stop breaking the 4th wall!'. "Anyway, I'm Jess. Can I know your names?" She continued. "Hi! I'm Shelby!" The girl redhead said in a awfully high pitch. "I'm Adam. You already knew that though, Jess." "I'm Max." "A-And I'm R-Ross." "I'm Cory." I said, finishing it.

// Shelby' Pov //

"Ok, so wha----!" Jess was cut off to the sound of doors opening. Then gas started to fill the room. We all started falling, Jess first, me next, Ross after, Max not far behind, Adam going down, then finally Cory. I saw them all fall, then all I saw was black.

Ok. 702 words, that's not as good as the others. Ok

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