// New Places \\

715 14 3

// Shelby's Pov //

It was morning, according to the clock, and I woke up the earliest, I think. I walked to the middle of the room. And then realizing, there is like nothing to do without people. I decided to go wake up Jess first.

"Jess, wake up~~"

"Noo! 5 more minutes mom..."



"Hehe. Woken up yet?"

"Why! Your voice is so high pitched, so its worse!"

Then Jess and I just started laughing. It was pretty boring until Adam woke up. I forgot Adam shared with Jess. Oh. Adam yawned and said "Why are you guys up? I hear noise and I can't sleep anymore." "Sorry, Adam. Shelbs woke me up." Jess said playfully. I just giggled, with my tail swishing side to side. "Hello!" I started. "Let's go wake the others!" Jess finished for me. I nodded and headed out.

// Jess' Pov //

I still can't believe Shelby woke me up. I was having a dreams about amazing stuff! But anyways, I went to go wake Ross and Max. I cannot believe what I saw.

I saw... one of my new OTPs happening. They where sharing one bed (Even though Ross had his own), Max's arm around Ross' shoulder. It was so cute! I guess I squealed to loud, because Max woke up. "What the hel-heck Jess!" Max said. I giggled. Ross hasn't woken up yet. I took a picture, so it lasted longer. I don't have a camera, but Author~Chan gave me 1! 'Stop breaking the fourth wall Jess!'. "Jess! I'm gonna give you 5 seconds to delete the picture, or run. Alright?" I nodded. I didn't feel like running. So, instead I erased an old photo. Hehe. He believed me. "Alright, deleted!" I said. Then, got Ross up, and went downstairs.

// Adam's Pov //

I went to the middle of the room, waiting for everyone. Jess, was getting Ross and Max, and Shumpie was getting Cory. Suddenly, the door opened. "Is project 1 still sick?" 1 of the men asked me. I nodded 'no' in confusion. Project 1? Ok. "Ok, Adam, I got Ross and Max!" "And I got Cory." Jess and Shumpie said. "Come." The man said. We all look at each other, and just nod.

When we got outside our places, there where about 50 other kids. Most without animal ears and tail. Some are frightened, some are just unhappy. The men directed us toward the place with dummies and training stuff. Do they really expect 5-7 year olds to fight? I guess so. "Ok. Project 1, go ahead. Or Shelby. Go fight the training dummy." A man said. Shumpie stepped forward, and didn't fight, but observed it. She looked around it, touched it, and everything. Eventually, the man just sighed, and said "Ok. Stop. Project 2 go up. Or Cory. Actually fight the dummy." The same man said.

Cory went up to the dummy, and just looked at it for a moment, the punching it. It looked like he found a weak spot on it, because he made a large dent. He observed again, and hit it again, and made another mark. The cycle continued until it looked completely beat up. "Well done Project 2. Go, Project 3. Adam." He said with sarcasm. Finally! My turn!

I tried a different strategy than Cory's, it took too long. So, I looked for the best places to hit. It only took a second. I hit it once, it already ripped. I hit it again, larger rip. Happened again and again till the dummy's head fell off. I think I did pretty well. "Great job Project 3. Now Project 4. Jessica." He said still with the sarcasm. Rude. Jess looked mad at the sarcasm we're getting, and went up, punched the dummy, and knocked it down. With rips. The men tried to pick it up, and almost miserably failed. "That's enough Project 4, Project 5, go on, Ross." He said, still tired and even more sarcasm. Ross looked worried, and timid right now.

Ross just looked at it, hit it once, and backed down. "Do more 5." He said. Still rude. He hit it once more, not doing a thing. He hit it multiple times, but never laid a dent. "That's enough. Last one, go up." He said. Max went up, and started hitting and aiming for the neck of it. He made a few dents, but no rips. "Ok. We are done for the day. Walk around, and don't talk to the non-animal ones. You are the very first ones here. You are already the strongest. Even 1." The man said. Shumpie looked offended, and Cory chuckled. Then they left.

"Alright, where to first?" I said. "Over there! There's food! Cmon guys!" Jess said, I agree. I'm starving. We walked over there, and we got a snack. We were only allowed raisins, fruit, vegetables, and water. I got an apple with water, Jess got raisins, Shumpie got salad (It had chicken in it to add protein :D. Imma genius), Cory didn't get anything, neither did Max, and Ross just got some of everything. Apparently it wasn't meal time. So we only had snacks.

// Ross' Pov //

I didn't really like the food, the water was just water. It really didn't even look like food. But I saw Adam and Max go to the training gym thing, I didn't wanna go though, so I just stayed with the others. We even found something we haven't seen in forever! It's weird , but we found a window. We saw more and more windows. It looked like midday. "Ross, how's your food?" Shelby asked. I didn't say anything, and just did the half and half signal. She gave me a 'sorry' look, then turned away to talk to Jess.

When we were walking, I guess I got lost, and lost the group, because now I'm alone. I started to panic. But a girl around my age (Yes I'm adding an Oc, but later you guys can to!), walked toward me. "Hi. Are you lost?" She said in her soft quite voice. I just nodded. "Well, I'm Calicea. What's your name?" Calicea said. "R-Ross, nice t-to meet you." I tried to say. "I'll help you find your group, if you have one. You have one right?" She said. Her long, pink hair swayed to the side. Actually, now that I realize, her pink hair went to her ankles. Her blue eyes with pink sparks looked sad and emotionless. I nodded. She looked like she had fox ears and tail like me. They where red and pink with dashes of blue and white. "Cmon!" She said.

I just watched around for my group, then I saw them. I thanked Calicea, then left. "Hey Ross, where did you go?" Max said. "I, I got lost." I said mumbly like. "Oh." Everyone says. "I saw a girl, did you meet somebody?" Shelby said. I nodded, and Jess said, "Let's go meet her! She helped you, didn't she? It looked like that."

// Jess' Pov //

Ok, Ross met a new person. I think Max is proud of Ross. Ross is just really quite and shy. I don't think he did it on purpose though, but he did! "Ok, where do we find her? There's like 55 kids, or something. How are a bunch of 5 and 6 year old gonna find another 5 or 6 year old like this?" Adam said. "I saw where she went, over there." Ross said, pointing the food place. All of us started walking over there, and I saw her first! I think. "Ross, is that her? The girl with the really long, pink hair?" Max said, probably wondering how you get your hair that long. Ross nodded.

"Hi! Thank you for helping our friend!" Adam said as we let him speak first. The girl smiled weakly, only showing 1 eye, with the other covered by hair. Her eyes were very unique, they where blue, but with pink dots in them. She had a emotionless and sad aura. "Hi. And your welcome. I'm Calicea Starr(You will get it later). What are your names? I know Ross though." Calicea said, taking a breath after her speech. "Ok. That's Adam, the chocolate brown haired guy, Max, the male redhead, Cory, dirty blonde, Shelby, female redhead, and me, you can see me right now." I said all in 1 breath. She smiled, a genuine smile this time. We all smiled back.

'I wonder what their powers are...'

"Powers? We don't have powers." I said. "I didn't say anything, I was thinking that." Cali said. "Wait, what." I said. "WOOW!! Try reading my mind Jess!" Adam said, so I did.

'I love pizza!'

"Really, I know you like pizza Adam." I said. "She read my mind! That's a pretty cool ability Jess!" Adam said and smiled. I smiled. "I, I need to get back to my place. See you tomorrow." Cali said, in her normal voice. It's almost like she has no emotion at all. But has exceptions. "Jess? Jess? JESSSS!!" Max yelled. "What!" I snapped back. "What are you thinking about?" Shelby said. "Nothing, should we head back?" I said. Everyone nodded, and went back. But I'm sad we decided to not eat dinner.

I'm happy I got a new friend, and a power! No secrets are safe with me. Hehe.

Ok. I did alright in my opinion. I have 1577 words so... Ye.

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