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  // Adam's Pov //

It was morning. I think. I don't know if I should be happy or sad about this.But now I'm going to wake up Jess!

"Jess. Wakey wakey~!!"

"I'm not doing this again!"

"Get uppppppp!!"

Jess didn't respond after that, so, I pulled her blankets off her, (Btw, they are still in the original clothes. They didn't get new clothes.) then picked her up bridal style. "ADAM PUT ME DOOOOWWWWNNNN!!!!" She screeched, she tried to kick me too. I chuckled. I think she woke everybody though. Atleast I didn't do it.

We got down, me still holding Jess, I placed her on the ground. "Ow!" Jess yelled. "What?" I said. "It felt like you dropped me." She said, pouting. I liked her pouting face. She looked like a cat when she pouted. . She kept pouting saying random stuff, till Shumpie and Cory came down. "Who screeched?" Cory asked. Jess and I pointed at each other. She pointed at me, I pointed at her. We both ended up laughing. I like laughing. "Okay...who screeched?" Cory asked again. I pointed at Jess. She didn't do anything, just kept pouting.

// Jess' Pov //

"Why did you screech. I was sleeping." Shelby said. "Ask Adam." I asked with a pouting face snarkily. "Hehe. I woke Jess up, she didn't get up, I picked her up, unholy sound comes out." Adam said, still chuckling and making hand movements. I gave Adam a 'shut your mouth up' look. "Are we gonna wake Max and Ross?" Cory said. "Can I? Please?" I say. I wanna see my ship. They just shrugged, and I went off.

I got inside, and they were just, awake, talking. "Oh. Hi Jess." Max says, as if he couldn't care less. "H-hi Jess." Ross said, hugging a pillow. I just waved, and said "Come on. We are all in the middle." We call it the middle, because it's the middle. It's simple. So afterwards, when we did get down, the people who took us yesterday were here.

// Cory's Pov //

The people who took us yesterday are here. Except there were only 3 of them. "Come. More training." The middle man said. Ugh. I don't like it here, and we've been in here for what, 3 or 4 days? I would've broken out already, but I didn't have a weapon or something on me. So we walked wherever we were going, then we saw a room, with lots of different types of training things where here. Different from the training room, this thing had punching bags, weights, treadmills, and more stuff I don't even know the name of.

"Go." The largest said. So we all chose a station. Other than 2 people, we were the only ones here. 1 of them came over to us. "Hello everyone! I'm----" She started, before the other girl, came over, and transported both of them out. Ok. That's weird. "Who's that?" I saw Shelby ask 1 of the guard-like-people. "You don't need to know." The man said, sternly with no movement or expression. Okay harsh? Then I saw Jess whisper to Shelby. I only got a second to look at them, I only saw the first girl, but she had white hair, gold eyes, and I remember a halo and wings. Wait.

// Shelby's Pov //

I wasn't able to get a good look at them, I got a longer look at the first, but what I remember is white, almost bleach blonde, hair, the brightest yellow eyes, and halo with wings. Wait, halo and wings, and why wont he tell me their names?! What is she, an angel hybrid? "Well, there names are Tenshi and Akuma, and yes." Jess says. I guess she read my mind. After that, we just went back to training.

After training, it was meal time. Which I'm so happy for, I'm starving! When we got there, I thought I saw the Angel girl. Next to her, looked like a Devil. I guess she saw us, because she ran toward us, having her wings flutter a bit, and said "Hi! I'm Tenshi! I'm sorry my sister teleported us away, but I'm here now to meet you all! Everyone I meet gets 1 wish. Go on! Wish for something!" The blonde said in 1 breath. Okay, I want a, hmm, I don't think we can get out of here so easily, so, I want ice cream! I'm still hungry. All of a sudden, everyone started getting something. Cory got some chocolate, (Undertale fans get it, right?),Jess got lots of paper and crayons, Adam got a sandwich, Ross got a blanket, and Max, Max didn't get anything. "Hm? Don't you want something?" Tenshi said, pointing to Max. He shook his head.

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