1- Leaving my old life

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There I stood in front of the gates to a fatal life. My guitar on my back, bag on my front, and suitcase standing beside me. I looked the sign and felt sick to my stomach.

Perfect Peaches Boarding school

I screamed at the gate, as my family walked in. It was September now; I was stuck here until January. I didn't know anyone here. This wasn't where I lived. This was London, this was big, and this was new.

Being her was news to me, I woke up expecting to go to my normal school, I thought this was a prank to scare me, I thought they made me pack as a joke. They were meant to be just bluffing. I kept thinking that until the principle came out and called my name.


I walked into the exam room with little care, I know I should have, but I didn't. "You revise for this?" Demi whispered. I shook my head. It was Music, what was I supposed to revise on, the lyrics.

Sitting in my seat near the back, seat G27. We had our year 10 mocks. This was the one that was meant do go on our six-form collage references. Some of the year 11's said it was all bullshit though and that they just want to scare us.

The teachers started handing out the test papers, I looked at mine.

Thursday Morning June 5th

What the hell is even going to be in this test? I thought as the teacher started to explain the rules, we all knew them. No talking bla bla, heard that, done, that failed that.

After we got the papers, this extract from some random old song called 'Handel' started playing. They started asking me random questions about the extract. This shit had nothing to do with life. I only picked this because I thought we wouldn't do any writing and could just use Logic or Garage Band. Possibly even play some instruments sometimes.

I didn't pick music to write loads of fucking essays, this subject took the piss. Glancing at the clock I saw that the exam hadn't even started.

I started to tune out, my thoughts we to straight to Chicken. I craved K.F.C. Thinking about what I would order when I got out of school, I zoned back in.

Everyone was listening to some sort of recording; I was completely baffled as to what the hell it was. Everyone started scribbling down on the question paper. The paper which I hadn't even opened. I glanced at someone's sheet.

Question 5
What the hell! I was thinking about chicken for that long....That doesn't seem right.

It was only one exam I thought, I will do better in the rest. I actually did revise for all my tests, well expect from music of course. I do sociology, business studies, music and drama. I want to run an acting company for young troubled people. That's what I want to do, I really don't care for music.

The rest of my exams went alright, I guess, I hope. I will find out in two weeks time. I better do well, or else. Mum and Dad still say that if I don't do well, it's off to boarding school for you. Did I believe them? No. To be honest I was shocked when I found of that Jacob believed them. Jacob had always sided with our parents. I only side with what I believe is right.

And I believe that's boarding school isn't the answer, so that's what I am going with.

"But mum, it wasn't my fault." I moaned, the school had called my mum to say that I 'didn't behave the way I was supposed to' during the past three days of exams. Mums shook her head and crossed her arms, leaning on the table she said. "We will wait till you results, if 75% of them are not above a B. Then you will be going to boarding school next year." Mum said sternly.

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