Chapter 5

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[Name]'s POV

Days passed and it was already Friday. Once we were dismissed, Naruto and I hurried over to Sasuke's. Ever since that little incident of his, he hasn't been attending classes. Of course, I explained his condition to the teachers, which they let him slip. I looked over to Naruto who was wearing a frown. My eyebrow raised up, questioningly. "Hey Naruto, what's wrong?"

His frown immediately turned into a smile, but for some reason, it felt forced, "Nothing. Come on, let's go." He says, opening his door and getting out, then stood before Sasuke's front door. Yet, he just stood there, blankly, clenching is fists. Did something happen between them? Ever since the rooftop event, they haven't been hanging out much. Are they really going to keep me in the dark?

Letting out sigh, I opened the door instead and entered with Naruto following behind. No one was home except for Sasuke who was upstairs. Itachi left a note saying he had to get some groceries. It's been like this for the past three days, I would look out for Sasuke during the afternoon and Itachi during the night. I didn't mind of course, what are friends for?

Before I could take a step of the stairs, a hand grabbed my wrist, pulling me back, only to face Naruto who was still looking down. "Naruto, what is it?"

"Sasuke loves you, you know that right?" He said with a tight grin, placing a hand behind his head.

I laughed, "Of course he does." I say casually, thinking of how annoying we really might sound to him right now. But when those words came out of my mouth, he looked away, releasing me. "You really like joking around, don't you?" he continued, chuckling as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I nodded in response, giving him a toothy smile.

"Honestly, I think he likes Sakura." I whispered, showing Naruto a mischievous grin. Earning a snicker from him and a pinch on the cheek, he replies, "He doesn't."

"Ohh~ is it because he loves me?" I joked again, poking my tongue out. He shook his head at my childish acts and slung his arm around my shoulder. "Yeah," he replies plainly, giving a playful wink. Irking Sasuke, telling him that he loves me, never tires me. I love how annoyed he would look whenever I'd claim that he does. It's become like a habit to me to exasperate him. And of course, Naruto would always play along.

We entered Sasuke's room as if it were ours, only to find him sprawled on his bed, asleep. The ball of sunshine and I exchanged amused glances, letting out a bunch of chuckles. Of course, we didn't let this moment slip without taking pictures of him. I hate to admit it but he looked so handsome when he's asleep, he's so cute! Well, I do notice his attractive looks every time but his attitude ticks me off, probably the reason why I counter his attitude with me being annoying.

I didn't notice that I've been staring closely at his angelic features until his eyes suddenly opened and in an instant he sat up, "How long have you been in here?!" he asked, a bit too loudly while he pulled the sheets over to cover his bare chest. I rolled my eyes and chuckled, "Sasuke are you gay?"

Naruto laughed obnoxiously at the question, "I am not!" The duckbutt said through gritted teeth, pushing the covers off his body, exposing his built body, only wearing his black boxers. The sight made me look at him in awe. I didn't dare to look any longer, for I know it will boost his ego and he'll say something cocky.

"Ew! Get some clothes on, you freak!" I yelled, looking away, hoping for him to not see my flushed face. He laughed like a devil before I felt hands grab me by the waist, lifting me up in the air and before I knew it, I was already on Sasuke's shoulder. I squirmed under his hold, sending punches on his back, "Hey! Put me down! Aren't you supposed to me in pain right now?!" I exclaimed, still struggling to get out of his grip.

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