Chapter 7

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[Name]'s POV

The loud music continued to blast throughout the house, but the number of people were now decreasing.. a bit. Let's just say, maybe ten or fifteen percent out of a hundred went home. It was already 1 in the morning, some people passed out on the backyard, the kitchen and even in one of the bathrooms. Half of the crowd gathered with us here in the living room, well, most of them were girls. No one would want to miss seeing the two, hot Uchihas sitting right next to each other. They were practically ogling at the two of them.

"What a pain." I heard Shikamaru, who was beside me, say. He yawned, stretching his arms, "Do you think those girls will ever leave?" I asked in a whisper, placing a hand before my mouth as I looked at Sasuke who's basically glaring at either someone else behind me or beside me or probably just at me. What did I do?

Itachi kept his eyes closed, holding a red cup in his hand. I like how calm and collected Itachi is, not like his brother who's glowering at me like I killed a cat. I couldn't hold it any longer as I faced his younger brother and glared back at him, mouthing a 'what'.

Of course, he didn't respond. He just rolled his eyes, placing a leg above his lap and his arm resting on the side of the couch. The way he looked made the girls squeal. I would be lying if I'd say that he doesn't look attractive at all. These girls are obsessed! Obviously, Karin was there as well, using her fingers to trace down Sasuke's chest. She's been nagging him for hours, and to say that Sasuke was annoyed would be an understatement. Yet, eventually he gave up and just let her be.

But for some reason, I feel like I want to crush that girl into pieces, I felt wrathful. Just seeing her touching him makes me sick to the bones and he's not even doing anything about it anymore, which makes it even worse than it's already been. I hate it! I just wanna jump in between them or grab Sasuke and take him somewhere far where Karin won't be able to find him.

With the thoughts, I found myself breathing heavily, my fists were clenched and I was gritting my teeth as I glared at a blank space. Why am I feeling this way? Why do I sound so overprotective? I don't, do I? Why do I care if someone else is touching him? It's not like it has something to do with me. But then why? Why am I so affected?

"[Name]!" My hands instinctively found its way to my right ear where the sharp voice entered. I looked up to see Naruto who held two red cups. He offered me one and I accepted it, gladly. "Eh? Where's Neji?" he asked, taking a seat beside me. I held up a hand to wave at Sasuke who was still in front of us. The Uchiha took a glance at him and looked away, eyebrows furrowed. "I don't know. I thought he was with you."

"Neji and Hinata said they needed to be home before 12. They left about an hour ago or so." Shikamaru informed, joining in the conversation. Both Naruto and I nodded, "Bummer." I mumbled. I really wanted to spend more time with the both of them.

The Nara shrugged, "You know how strict Uncle Hizashi and Uncle Hiashi are." (A/N: Yes Hizashi is alive because I want him to be ಥ_ಥ)

"You could say that again."

The three of us chuckled, "I wonder who's more terrifyingly stern.. Uncle Fugaku, Uncle Hizashi or Uncle Hiashi?" I asked wryly. Stealing a glance of Sasuke who was surprisingly, still glaring at us. I don't know if he's glaring or it's just his face. What do people call it again? Hmm... Oh yeah! The rest bitch face.

I quickly gave him the finger, bluntly and his expression immediately changed. At least that was an eye-opener. He looked at me, agape with a face of incredulity. He nudged Karin who was still beside him rather harshly and tugged on his brother's sleeve, frantically. Itachi opened his eyes and looked at his brother nonchalantly, his drink almost spilling on the floor.

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