Chapter 5- I Set Fire to The Desks

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I have school, so I can't update multiple times a week rapidly like rabbits during spring. But I got some free time.


Amy's POV-

                    "Is he crazy?" A girl with short bouncy blonde hair and round brown eyes hissed.

                   "I think he wants to get himself killed." Another teenager, a boy this time, leaned back against his chair with his arms crossed.

                  "Well what if he actually cares about us, the people of Miaskoa, and that's why he's coming here." Amanda, a sweet girl with caramel brown skin, warm tawny doe like eyes, and hair that hung in lovely dark braids around her face suggested. A few kids agreed with her with a nod and suggestions of their own, while others in the room snorted.

                Scarlet leaned close, "Is this a big deal?" I snapped my book shut but didn't look at the raven-haired girl, "At any town I suppose it would be some what of a monumental moment". I spared a quick glance to the wall clock; the bell was about to ring, and I'd have a lot of unfinished work at home. "There has to be some reason for him coming here. A town in the middle of nowhere."

                "You mean you don't know why he's coming?" Scarlet had noticed my packing up and had begun to do the same. "I know it's a citizen job, or something, to stay informed and what not, but you can only flip through so many stations on the TV before you get bored, because all anyone is saying is generally, the same. So, if you want information go ask Alex Barenten, he's the red-head in the corner and an information geek." I gestured the boy.

              "Oh." Was all she said. We stayed in silence for last few minutes, me trying to keep my head ache at bay and Scarlet doing... Whatever Scarlet does. Before the bell could screech out it's warning to get to the next class, I let out a sigh and dropped my voice down low.

              "Did you just move to Miaskoa, you and your brother?"

               "How did you know he's my brother?" She turned to me.

               "You look alike." I waved her off, "But that's not the point, "Did you just move here?" She nodded. "So, has anyone told you yet?" I asked vaguely. "About what?"

               "To not go out at night." I kept my voice low. The siren of the bell pierced the air and made me wince. Slinging the backpack over my shoulder I weaved around the students leaving.

               Second period was Science, something I actually excelled at, and was my favorite subject, and the teacher didn't seem to hate me with a passion. Along the way I met up with Poppy, as we headed down the polished tiled floors of the hallway, whispers about the president followed, well more like gossip as well as the slamming of lockers and general chatter of students.

               "Lily said we're doing an experiment in science today." Poppy said as my walked. Lily was another of my best friends, who always seemed shy very curly hair that never seemed to grow and it ended just above her shoulders, she had dyed it light pink a few days ago; original It was a light brown. Lily had hazel eyes that on some days seemed greener and an olive complexion.

               "Really did she tell you what kind?" I asked suddenly excited. "Sadly no." Poppy replied with and overly dramatic sigh. I stuck my tongue out at her which caused a chuckle to emit from her mouth. I playfully shoved her shoulder, she laughed harder.

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