Six months.......

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Edited by: dragonsam656


It has been six months since Ray and Allen were born. Both kids have beauty and cuteness that can be said to be above a girl's. With white hair like their mother and eyes having a mixture of colors (outer most layer gray, middle amethyst and inner most blue like sapphire) like their father making them so adorable like a pair of porcelain dolls. Their chubby cheeks, adding to their cuteness, made them look like angels.

Allen has been training to walk for months now, and his training had finally paid off. He took his first steps when nobody was present in order avoid all the chaos. He learned his lesson when he first tried to crawl and succeeded. Everyone in the castle made a huge deal out of this, especially Reind, he would not stop crying knowing one of his sons crawled and he didn't get to witness it. Reind was sulking for weeks until Ray crawled in front of him.

Thus, he decided to take his first step when no one is around. Allen crawled towards the wall and started by trying to stand by taking the support of the wall. After he stood up he tried to walk by taking the walls' support to balance. Slowly and carefully he took his first step and when was taking a few steps, he tried walking to some distance with support after that when he was sure he was able to balance without the support of the wall he let go of it and tried to walk some distance without any support and he succeeded for some steps and he fell down again.

After 2-3 days of practicing Allen was able to walk normally. Now it was the time for his next plan to gather more knowledge about this world for that he has to find the library. As he was walking out of the room he was spotted by some bypassing people who turned out to be Melinda and Reind.


Allen's POV

Finally the day has arrived when the results of my training for last six months are presented and I won't make the same mistake I made before. The crawling incident was annoying as hell, although I love that father is love us so much but there is a limit to being a doting a parent.

So, I have made the decision to only try walking when there is nobody and the coast is clear, which it is and here I'm to test it out today. I crawled to the wall and tried standing up by taking its support.

I didn't know it was this much trouble being an infant and it was this hard to walk. After some really good results with standing up, I tried taking some steps, I succeeded and even walked but I fell down after walking some steps without support so it means I need more training.

After some more training now I can walk normally without any support.

Right now I'm so happy but I have to start the next step of the plan so I have to find the library in this castle. When I looked around I found that the door of the nursery was open.

I can't believe my luck now I can go out of this room to search for the library. As I walked outside the door, and after some step, I heard some sounds from behind and one of shrieking.

As I turned my face around to find out who it is, it was none other than father and mother. ‘Holy shit, mother and father saw me walking’ and the only sound that came out of my mouth was 'guaa', well it is better than those words.

My face became pale after seeing both of them and suddenly I lost my balance and fell down on my butt. After a few seconds father suddenly hugged me and started celebrating saying I took my first steps. Mother joined father and took me inside the nursery. Sometimes father being a doting parent can help. But my plan to find the library had to be postponed for another day.

Also I'm never telling him that these were not my first steps if he ever finds that out, I can't imagine for how long will father sulk.

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