The battle at the Oletha Mansion (part 2)...

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Edited by: dragonsam656


The carriage entered the premise of the Beasley and rode to its entrance. The darkness of the night illuminated by the moon, the dim lighting made it hard to spot the carriage. The carriage stopped in front of the manor, with the neighing of the horses alerting the employees of the Oletha. Some butlers and maids came to the door to welcome the guest. From the carriage stepped out a man with a stature of 6'6. He was wearing a great suit which added to his elegance. His chiseled face, pale skin, reddish lips, and long dark blue coloured hair shone in the moonlight along with his grey eyes. His eyes were focused and very serious as he stepped inside the villa.

Watching the man's every action with a great amount of attention, Reind finally issued an order, "Go to the mansion with everyone. Aylwin, you are coming with me." He signaled the start of the mission and separated from everyone and took off running in the opposite direction.

"Reind, where are we going?!" Aylwin asked as he sped up to match Reind's pace.

"Well, there were some problems with the original plan, thus, we are going to gather the evidence while they capture the culprits," Reind answered.

"Wait a minute! What do you mean by gathering the evidence!? You didn't do it before?!" Awylin shocked asked questions one after another. "Hey, hey, hey, Reind-san, please tell me this is a bad joke that you are making," grabbing Reind's shirt Aylwin shook him as he tried to recover from the new found information.

"No, I'm not kidding. That's why Lilian went alone from the hidden passage. Why do you think I would send alone him there if not for this?" Tilting his head Reind innocently answered Aylwin with a question.

"For surprise attack! You would send him from another entrance for a surprise attack!" Aylwin answered irritated as he shook him harder. "Then please explain what was the selfish wish Lilian-san had that you were talking about with Rylan was? This doesn't seem consistent with that."

"Ah, that! You see, when Ray and Allen had their five-year ceremony they were abducted by these people. Lilian who was also investigating this matter found one of their hideouts and saw some kids dying from mana exhaustion because of the experiment. And apparently, the person who was the leader of that group was a person who Lilian had a past with. Thus, right now his wish is to bring the Oletha who caused so much suffering to those kids and had connections with that person to perish in front of his eyes. He was the one who insisted on gathering the evidence from the underground hideout."

Reind continued running towards the other entrance of the hidden passage while steadily increasing his speed.

"Wait! So, we are going there because?" Awylin asked, catching up to him.

"Because he was supposed to come back with the evidence before the mission started. But he didn't that means he encountered some kind of danger. That's why we will be gathering the evidence in his stead while Rylan and everyone else raids the mansion." Reind explained.

"Wait, so what about Lilian?! Aren't we going to save him?" Aylwin asked.

"No, we really don't need to. There is someone who is very strong beside him. Try to feel the mana in the atmosphere. Don't you feel something is different?" Reind told Aylwin as he stopped in front of a hollow huge tree. Aylwin looked up at Reind with a drop of sweat on his forehead. He did as Reind asked him to do and tried to sense the mana around the area. As soon as he started to sense the mana around him, Aylwin found a huge amount of dark attribute mana. Under the pressure of the absurd amount of mana in the atmosphere, he found it extremely difficult to breathe. His pupils dilated as fear creeped out to him and he found himself frozen on the spot, unable to move of his own free will. He was just about to lose himself in fear when a loud sound of a clap brought him back to reality. Stiffly he turned his head towards the direction where the sound came from and saw the smiling face of Reind which had an 'I told you so' look.

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