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Its not a bulk but a double update. I hope you enjoy this.


River's POV

It has been a week since we started our training. Allen and Ray joined us on the third day of our training and although I'm saying training what we are doing is just practice the basic of the basics. Rodney-san is looking over our training while Arnette-san and Reind-sama is looking over Allen's and Ray's training. We were also made to study many different kinds of subjects such as magic, history, politics, etc. by old man Louis.

I remember when on the second day Rodney-san had a sparring match with Arnette-san and as we watched we lerned how scary these experienced war veterans are.

Currently Reind-sama is having a fight with Ray and Allen. I'm amazed at how much skilled these two are although they're still no match for Reind-sama. The match started when Rodney-san allowed to have a break that was when we noticed that the three of them were having a fight. As we were watching the fight Lilian-san approached us from behind as he explained to us that Ray and Allen were usually trained by having fights with either Arnette-san or Reind-sama.


Allen charged towards Reind-sama as he readied himself and aimed for Reind-sama's heart. But with a swing of his sword Reind-sama not only did he blocked the attack but also successfully discarded Allen's weapon. The wooden sword flew in the air as it rolled a few times in air before falling on the ground. Allen was left in shock but Reind-sama didn't stop there and he grabbed Allen by his neck.

While Reind-sama was distracted by Allen, Ray was nowhere to be seen when he suddenly jumped from the tree behind Reind-sama aiming for his neck. Just when Ray was about half way Reind-sama suddenly back he pushed Allen to the ground by neck with just one hand. He coughed because of the sheer force used by Reind to throw him on the ground as he fainted immediately afterwards. With the other hand  he blocked against Ray's attack.

Ray landed on the ground and immediately jumped backwards to make a little bit of distance between them. Ray became more vigilant as he focused more on Reind-sama's each and every movement who was just simply walking towards him with a smile. Ray was very cautious as he shifted the position of his legs ever so slightly. There were beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he clutched onto his sword a little tighter and gritted his teeth.

It seemed like Ray reached his limit after awhile as he seathed his sword and hung it on his waist. But after doing that he suddenly charged towards Reind-sama unrestrained while keeping one of his hand on the hilt of the wooden sword in a stance I have never seen before. Just when he was in about to reach Reind-sama when he used the tip of his thumb nail to push the upwards a little bit to make it easier to take it of the scabbard. Just when he was in approximate distance from him Ray suddenly changed his stance and took out his sword in such a way that it swung upwards and attacked Reind-sama. Reind-sama too seemed to have been surprised from such a movement that he was a few seconds late to react and although was able to avoid the attack but Ray's sword was still able to graze against his chins leaving a slightly red mark there.

Reind-sama had a smirk on his face as he swiftly caused Ray to fall and in an eye blink the sword was in the air. Reind-sama had his sword on Ray's neck. "Weak," he only said that with his eyes covered by his hair which made it hard to see his expression but judging from Ray's face it was frustrating and annoying to him. Then suddenly Reind-sama's face paled and he imidiately turned around and ran towards the place where Allen was lying unconscious. Ray just sighed looking at him as he got up walked up to where his father and brother were.


Next day we were all dismissed earlier than expected all of us were sitting under a tree. Ariel was listening to what Ray was reading attentively with some boys, Edgar and Ethan were practicing their swordplay a little bit away in a distance. As for Allen and Annis they were enjoying the warm weather and cool breeze and were sleeping together in a huddle. I looked at them for awhile from the tree branch where I sitting and then took out a book that I had tugged in behind me and started reading it.

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