Making new friends (part2)...........

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Edited by: dragonsam656


Allen's POV

When we finally decided on the name for Ethan and the others and announced it, suddenly, under all of us, magic circles appeared and I felt like energy was sucked out of my body at a really fast rate. From a distance, I could hear Papa shouting something but I couldn't figure out what he was saying and that was the last thing I remember before everything became dark and eventually I lost consciousness.

When I woke up I found myself staring at the familiar ceiling. I got up and sat straight the cloth on my forehead fell on my lap. I found out that Ray was already up and Lilian was taking care of me and Ray. When I turned my head towards him, Lilian noticed me as he smiled gently asking me whether I was feeling exhausted or not while helping me to sit up. Then I realized I do feel a little bit sluggish. I rubbed my eyes and asked Lilian for a glass of water. Just when I was about to swallow the water I remembered about Ethan and everyone and, because of that, the water went down the wrong pipe. I coughed and Lilian and Ray came running towards me. I can see concern written all over Ray's face. I really did cause him a lot of trouble this time.

"Allen-sama, are you ok?" Lilian asked as he rubbed circles on my back as I coughed some more times to relax me. I nodded in reply "Sorry."

"You don't have to apologize but just be careful from next time onwards." Lilian said while keeping all the things on the tray and pouring another glass of water for me and offered it to me. I took the glass from his hand and drank water carefully as not to repeat the incidents from a few seconds ago again.

"Lilian, I want to ask you something," Ray said looking at Allen in a monotone voice. Lilian looked at Ray as he told him to continue. "What happened to Ethan and the others?" Hearing Ray's question Lilian's eyes widened as he pursed his lips. I looked at him thinking how he could know what I was thinking then I shifted my attention back to Lilian.

"First, both of you will take a bath then I will tell you about them," Lilian said while keeping everything back on the tray and walking towards the door. "Stella will help you both to freshen up. Reind-sama, Melinda-sama, and that demo... Arnette-san were worried about you both so at least first we should show them you both are ok, right?"

Both I and Ray nodded in reply to which Lilian gave us a small smile and headed out. 'That time Lilian was going to call Arnette demon wasn't he?' I thought to myself. Then I turned towards Ray and asked, "Ray, how did you knew I was thinking about Ethan and the others but was hesitating to ask Lilian about them? Is it a twin thing?"

Ray looked at me with a puzzled expression, "What are you talking about? I just asked Lilian about them because I was worried about them, that's all. I didn't know anything about what you were thinking and how am I supposed to know what you are thinking."

"Eh?!" I looked at Ray with a surprised expression. "Ah... that was because you usually are able to guess what I'm thinking so. Ahahaha....." I laughed awkwardly while blushing from embarrassment. 'DAMNIT. I'm an idiot.'  

"Hmm..." was the only reaction Ray gave to me. Just when I was thinking how to get out of this awkward situation Stella came in asking us to go with her so we bathe. Stella, you are a real life saver. I was so happy when she came in. We both bathed and after that we went to Mama, Papa, and Arnette who were waiting for us in mama's and papa's bedroom rather than their office.


We were standing in front of the room. Stella went ahead and knocked on the door seeking permission to enter the room. "Enter" Mama's voice came from the inside and Stella pushed the door open for us. She held our hands and walked inside with us. When we entered the room the first thing that caught our attention was Mama smiling.  We looked at her as she´s sitting on the bed. The sun rays that entered from the windows falling on her, made her look like an angel. I don't know why but at that moment I felt something tug on my heart. Seeing her like that made me feel like I shouldn't approach her. I mean at the end of the day I cannot change that fact. I walked to her but I found my steps faltering as our distance got shorter.

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