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We walked out of the swimming pool, our hands brushing against each other's. I looked at brook his face was honestly flawless. We walked down the street and into the crowded town. Brook led me towards nandos, when we were inside he smiled at me before asking for a table for 2. We followed the waitress to our table and sat down.

"She was pretty" i Said

"Not as pretty as someone else" brook said

"Wait who?" I asked curiously

"Well that'd be telling...then it's not a secret anymore" Brook smirked

I rolled my eyes over dramatically and got my phone out. I loaded snapchat and took a photo of brook, I captioned it
"Nandos with the fave🙈"

I have my snapchat story so anyone can swipe up and message me so I scrolled through my messages replying to as many as I could. They were all so sweet and made me smile reading them. When our food came, brook and I quickly ate our food seems as we were starving after swimming.

"What do you wanna do now?" Brook said as we walked out of nandos

"Watch netflix in your room?" I asked

"Sounds like a good idea. But first let's go get snacks" Brook said as he led me into Asda

We walked around the aisles looking for snacks.

"What about these?" I asked holding up a packet of squashies

"Yummmmmmmm" brook said

We gathered a good amount together and went and payed for it. Once we arrived back to brooks we went upstairs to his room. I went into the bathroom to get changed into my shorts and vest top and tied my hair into a messy bun before re emerging into his room. I saw brook lying down on his bed in just his joggers, as he saw me come out of the bathroom he smiled and patted the bed next to him. I climbed into his bed and rested my head against his shoulder as we flicked through Netflix deciding on what to watch. We finally decided on watching Riverdale as we'd both just gotten into it. Brook got under the covers with me and we snuggled as we ate.

I started drawing on brooks stomach with my fingers absent mindlessly, he giggled as I drew on him which brought me back down to earth.

"Having fun?" Brook giggled

"Oh god that's embarrassing" I said laughing, sliding under the duvet

"You're cute when you do that" Brook replied

I came out from the duvet and looked at him. His eyes were so green and beautiful they mesmerised you. We started talking and before we knew it it was already half 5. Brooks sister stood in the doorway and coughed to get our attention.

"Hey Liani" brook said

"Hiya" She said smiling at me "you must be amelia then?"

"Yep that's me" I smiled at her

"Oh hi. It's weird..." she said

"What is?" I asked

"It's weird to actually meet the person Brook never shuts up abou-"

"Okay you can go no liani bye!" Brook interrupted

I turned to look at brook as liani left the room

"What was that about hmmm?" I giggled as he tried to act like nothing had happened

"Oh that? Nothing...just liani being liani" he said

"Sureeee brook hahahaha."

"It's true" he protested

"Okay okay! Just admit it though you talk about me to your family" I smirked

"Maybe a little" he smiled

To be continued💛

Broken (a sequel to Harvey's Fan Crush)Where stories live. Discover now