13 hour facetime

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It was a few weeks later and i was lying on my bed with gracie gossiping as usual. i felt a buzz from my phone and as i flipped it over, i saw it was a tweet from roadtrip

got something huge to announce in a couple of hours! be there or be square😉-brook

he was cringe worthy hahaha

me- brook! what's this announcement?!

brook💞- ssssh secret

me- tell meeeeeeee

brook💞- i'm sorry brook can't talk right now

me- ugh i hate you you know that right haha

brook💞- ;)

by the time they were getting ready to announce it i was tucked up in bed catching up on netflix. my twitter was going off with tweets from the boys hyping everyone up

3,2,1 roadies lets go!-rye 🐝

i waited anxiously and then a huge smile crept over my face as i read the tweet.

i'm happy to announce we're going on tour with our boys @aaronmelloul and @badzachx in march! get you tickets on friday! - andy

"omg have you seen the tweet yet amelia?" gracie exclaimed

"yes omg yesssss!" i replied jumping around the room


brook💞- ameliaaaaaaa!

me- facetime me ;)

brook💞- onnit boo ;)

my phone started to vibrate with the incoming call from brook

"heyyyy" he said smiling

"heyyyy! omg tour!"

"yeeees! tour begins again in march! are you coming?"

"errrrrm no" i replied with a blank face

"oh..." brooks voice sank

"well i suppose i could go to a few hehe..." i replied smiling

"yes do omg yes" he smiling widely back

"if i can get tickets i will boo"

"okaiiii boo! they come out in 2 days! eeeeeek"

i'd missed these calls which led late into the night and often ended in me falling asleep on facetime. i woke up the next morning to see my phone was on 20% i was confused then noticed the 13 hour call timer at the top of my phone, looks like we'd both fallen asleep

"brook? are you awake?" i got no response, i knew 9am was too early for him

i turned on my tv leaving my phone to charge next to me, the occasional sound slipping from brooks mouth. i smiled as he spoke softly in his sleep. i was halfway through watching a pretty little liars episode (for about the 60,000 time) when just as A was about to be revealed a loud scream came from my phone causing me to jump and scream myself

"boo!" brook screamed

"agh wtf brook" i giggled picking my phone up to see him laughing

"ooops sorry i didn't mean to scare you ahhaha what are you watching?"

"pll and you didn't scare me you just erm shocked me" i said laughing

"hmmm whatever you say"

i paused my show and snuggled deeper into my bed wrapping the duvet around me as he began to talk. damn i didn't realise i could miss someone this much...

to be continued

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