the long night

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we stayed there for what felt like an eternity. i breathed heavily the tears still dripping down my cheeks. i was shaking uncontrollably, i felt paralysed, i couldn't do anything. all i felt was upset and anger but mainly sadness. i was confused as much as anything. i felt the persons grip tighten as i broke down again in tears.

"it's okay, i'm here." they said

i sniffled, attempting to dry my eyes with my hoodie.

"he's not worth it if he's going to do this to you. i know it's hard but believe me you don't need him, you can't let him mess with your emotions babe"

i nodded knowing they were right but i couldn't help it, i still loved him no matter how hard i tried not to i just did. he'd hurt me too much so why did i still feel like this? i whispered to the person

"i'm sorry"

"amelia don't, you've got nothing to apologise for. this is not your fault"

"why do i still love him? i don't want to but i can stop..." i mumbled

"you'll always have feelings towards him but as you learn to love other people they'll subside but for now focus on you and moving on from him babe he's hurt you"

i hugged the person tightly and buried my head into their neck.

"i'll always be here i love you" the person said

i pulled back a little and a small smiled appeared at the corners of my mouth when i realised who it was.

"i love you too" i mumbled hugging them again "thank you"

"are you ready to go back inside now?"

i nodded as i felt myself being lifted up, i wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as he carried me back up the stairs and into the flat. the flat was dark and he placed my onto blair's bed. i took my hoodie off as he pulled the covers over me and lightly kissed my forehead before turning around and starting to walk out.

"stay...please" i said

he paused,then walked back over to me before pulling his hoodie over his head and taking his jeans off, climbing into bed next to me.

i was facing away from him but after a few minutes i turned to look at him. his eyes looking into mine, his face was full of sympathy and love. i shuffled over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist as he moved his arm around me and stroked my hair and shoulder.

i must have drifted off at some point in the night that seemed to last forever because i woke up to the sounds of the boys screaming and laughing. i groaned as pulled the duvet over my head. i looked to my left and saw that he was still there in the same position as i last remembered him being in, his arms around me holding me tight.

to be continued

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