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It was dark outside. The stars were hidden by the thickness of the opaque colour. Frank and Rusty were clad in black, to not stick out like an oil lamp in a Victorian street (which would certainly sabotage their mission). 

It all happened a little quickly for Rusty. From taking down gang members and drug and weapon smugglers, she now was to get information from a high status military member. Although cowardly, the man had still given her orders at a point in time. Before she met Frank, that is. Rusty, to her dismay, was left with David in the van. Lexi and Fender were sitting patiently in the back, next to the gear and the weapons, not even caring about them as they were used to the sight of the firearms. Rusty could see that Fender even sat on one of the rifles. What a dog. 

Frank had gone first, seeing as that was the plan, and Rusty was here just as backup. Since Rusty came back, her friend had been secretly protective over her. Frank stood and sat close to her, he even slept by her side. So, naturally, Frank had decided to keep Rusty out of the danger zone on this mission. He knew what she and her dogs could do, but the people inside that house not only thought that she was dead, but could kill her in an instant if they wanted to. 

Cutting open the wire fence, Frank spoke into his comm, his voice low, "I'm in."

"Copy." Rusty instinctively said before David could even open his mouth. He looked at Rusty, who sat next to him, as he stopped typing and then looked back to his bright screen after a stern look from the woman. 

The screen was from the camera of David's drone. Everything was bright green due to the night vision, and soon Frank's shape turned up on the laptop.

"Okay," David spoke, "got you on the drone."

Frank jumped the short, thick wall and passed the bare trees to the target building. David controlled the drone to stay above Frank's figure. "You are good. You are clear to proceed."

Rusty cringed a little at his way of repetitive communication, but ignored it. Her cheerful and sarcastic demeanour always changed to a very serious one when working; and with Frank at stake, Rusty was even more focused.

"Wait." Micro said quickly. 

Rusty leaned in a little, seeing Frank crouch by another wire fence. There was a pair of soldiers passing him - though they could not see him - as they chatted to each other. They walked out of view.

"Okay, go."

Frank ran silently up to an army truck, his back flush against it as he slowly walked to the corner of it. 

David spoke with instructions again. "Perfect. Hold there."

Rusty spoke then, saying, "You have a sentry coming to your left."

Frank looked out a little, though no commotion was stirred. Rusty blew a little breath out of her mouth, saying, "You're clear."

Frank run up to the building, a little more wary than when he was within the trees. He stopped by what looked like a window, putting his large hands on it quietly and opening it with ease. He entered easily.

Inside, it was a whole different story. 

"Well, shit, Morty."

The small, balding man gasped, but with the gag in his mouth it just came out as sort of a grunt, really. Lexi's ears perked up at the sound of a shrill scream. A woman's most likely. Although, Rusty didn't exclude Morty - he could be a real coward sometimes. 

Frank entered the room, he was wearing a black ski mask that rather fashionably matched the rest of his clothing. Rusty was blind to the situation, but Frank had his comm, and it was useful (even though the other sounds were muffled and quiet). Frank spoke. "Looks like I got here just in time."

The woman shouted, "He's here! He's here!"

Rusty couldn't help but mumble a curse under her breath. They were expecting an attack. The woman got ready to exit the van, but David stopped her, shaking his head lightly. When Rusty let go of the door of the van, her dogs relaxed their tensed bodies again. They are ready to go in any time. 

Billy Russo was outside the building, clad in black with his team all geared up, too. He heard the screams from the microphone in the room and looked at his men. "We're up. Let's go."

"Roger that."

One by one, they ran to the building in the dead of night, their snipers aimed and helmets on tight upon their heads. They were the men to fight the one-man army. 

Frank ran and jumped onto the table before Morty could shoot his tiny gun at the large man. He was kicked in the chest against the wall, the gag still in his mouth. He grunted at the impact, falling to the floor in the corner of the fancy room. 

Frank jumped down, panting in front of him - maybe with anger, maybe from the running. He lifted his mask to reveal his face, but still leaving it on his head. The small man took the gag out of his mouth, saying, "Oh, dear Lord, God in Heaven."

"Not exactly." Frank growled.

Micro started typing on his computer, probably hacking - Rusty didn't know. "All right, we're in business. We're tied into his phone. Three minutes."

Yep, hacking.

Back at the house, the phone lay on the desk as Frank continued with the mission. "Get your ass up."

Both of the men grunted, but the size difference allowed Frank hold Morty to the wall by his neck. Using one hand, at that. The man choked out his strained speech. "Castle."

Frank slapped the man, letting him go as he did so. 

"Was that a slap?" Frank heard his friend's voice in the comm. 

Frank ignored the comment and then backhanded Morty, making him lean the other way. Both of them grunted again as Frank pushed the man against the wall, who complained, "Damn it, stop hitting me!"

Frank punched him, this time. 

Rusty saw David uncomfortable with the violence, and frowned at the man. Wasn't he the one to suggest working together with 'The Punisher'?

Morty started yapping again. "Please just stop." He had a bloodied nose, and was panting from the pain. Frank pulled a gun to his nose, a hand on the collar of his uniform. The man then whimpered, "Don't kill me! Please don't kill me!"

He panted a few harsh times, then shouted at Frank in confession, "They made me do those things!"

Micro spoke up, making the large man turn his head. "Frank . . ."

Morty continued his pleading as Lieberman continued, "You got four hostiles headed your way. They're moving fast."

Before David could even turn his head her way, Rusty was out of the car and pulling the mask over her head. She shouted for Lexi, who jumped over the front seat and out of the passenger side. Rusty closed the door after her and adjusted her bulletproof vest. 

David was speechless, and heard Fender whimper behind him. He turned to see the dog with his head turned, his eyes sort of . . . sad, like he was upset that he was left behind. Lieberman sighed, and pulled him onto the passenger seat, which Rusty was occupying before. 

"You stay in the van, Rusty!" Frank harshly whispered into the comm. 

"Too late, Frankie."

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