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"Drop it! I said drop it!

"You know what? Don't! I'd love the excuse."

"Hands behind your head."

"Hands behind your head!"

"On your knees."


"Move an inch, asshole, and I will gladly shoot you in the goddamn face."







"Who's pretty now?"

. . . 


"Federal agent down."

". . . We need EMT, right now."

"Federal agent down."

"Federal agent down."




"You're gonna be okay. Stay with me. Please."


"Hey, it's okay. Stay with me."

"Stay with me, Sam."




". . . Sam."



Zach caught the football, a smile on his face. "Sweet spiral."

"My man."

Lexi was the piggy in the middle. She was trying to jump and get the ball but they boys were throwing it too high for her. Rusty had left her in the car, just in case. It turned out she had become slightly useful in this therapeutic game of catch. Zach's eyes seemed to glow when he heard that Rusty had a dog. He had already taken a liking to her. 

Lexi barked as Frank threw the ball. 

"Whoa!" Rusty laughed. "She nearly caught it his time."

Frank and Zach laughed at Lexi, who was jumping about in circles. She used to do that with Frank Jr and Lisa. Rusty guessed the dog remembered. 

"Lexi!" Zach shouted. "Catch!"

He threw the American football in the dog's direction, but maybe a little high. The shepherd jumped in the air and managed to catch it in her jaws. She landed on the ground again, and when the ball slipped out of her mouth, she ran after it. Zach was laughing at her, and Rusty smiled at the boy. It's good he's finally happy, at least at that moment in time. 

"Lexi, here." Rusty called. The dog came to her and Rusty picked it up. She made a face and said, "Slobbery."

"Rose! Throw it here." Called the boy.

"Alright, you better be ready." Rusty threw the ball hard, but far enough for Zach to run back and manage to catch it. "Yeah!" Rusty cheered. 

Zach threw it back to Frank, who missed the chance to catch it. 

"Sorry!" Zach shouted to him. 

"Don't worry." He replied, smiling at the dog. "Lexi's on the case."

The slender dog ran after the ball, which bounced left and right, and soon ended up on the larger road in front of the house. Rusty ran after her dog in fear of her safety (just in case) and reached the path.

Rusty looked behind the bush, seeing the last person who needed to be here right now. The woman turned, her slightly curly hair falling onto her right eye. "Why don't you go long, Zach. I bet you can't catch this."

At Rusty's slight change of tone, Frank turned to her, frowning. Rusty mouthed, "David." 

Rusty threw the ball as far as she could, past Zach, who started running after it. He laughed as he realised Lexi was following close by him. Rusty had sent her. 

 "What the fuck are you doing here?" Rusty almost snarled. 

"He needs me, Rusty."

"Get the hell out of here."

David just sighed. 

Rusty walked up to him, pushing him back. "Do you want to get him killed?"

"He's a little baby. He needs me."

Frank came to the scene. He stood a little behind Rusty. 

"You want me to go to Madani, I'll go to Madani." Frank said quickly. "I'll do whatever it takes, but you have to go."

Rusty looked at Frank, a little confused. She guessed he and Zach have made a bond. 

"They'll kill him." Rusty said. "Go, now!"

David closed his eyes, shrugging to himself but he turned around and started walking the other way. 

"Cover your face." Rusty said. "And get the hell back to my dog!"

Rusty turned, taking Frank by the forearms and walking quickly around the corner. Zach was there, Lexi trotting around him. "Who was that?"

Frank acted casual. "Nah. Just some guy." He waved his hand in dissmissal. "Rose told him not to hang around here."

Zach was quick to dismiss it. "Let's play."

"My man."

Lexi started barking now, yapping at Frank's legs, who was about to catch the ball. The three people got into a triangle, with Lexi running from one person to the other in an attempt to get the ball. 

It was a while before Rusty managed to speak up about a particular topic. "You know," she said to Zach, "if you like Lexi this much, I think you're gonna like my Rottweiler."

"You have another dog?" Zach's eyes brightened up again.

"Yeah." Rusty smirked. "His name's Fender."

Zach teased Lexi with the ball, moving it in front of her face. She yapped and he laughed, jumping back a little. 

"You remind me of him." Rusty smiled. "I think you'll like him."

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